
The last big picnic of DBA, in my dad's vineyard. Of course, didn't know it was the last. Pretty much everyone, with spouses and kids were there. Lena was not capable of walking much on her own, but she was everywhere all the same. The boat was the greatest thing, I've found a picture with about nine kids in it.

That's me. While everything else was expensive or just not available, growing hair and beard was free.

The usual - barbecue, lamb on the spit, beer, brandy, good atmosphere. Despite the chaos around. Just that I didn't waste too many shots on the general atmosphere - two of the kids in the boat (not inserting here, too many faces to blur), two of me holding Nina in my hands and not a single one of everybody in it. I see Števa (the bearded guy on this shot) and his wife, Fefi's wife and that's it. Don't even know who else was there, probably almost everybody.

Mentions: 31-V-1994., DBA, Ferenc Farkaš (Fefi), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Stevan Garaj (Števa), in serbian