
On twennyfirst may I dived into dividing my version of unosc.prg. For starters, found a line in the initialization which was executing twice. The main line, which activates all the enterable fields, now reads „Read Save Object 1 when showgets(1,.t.)“, which, fuckit, probably meant... well, Save was an instruction to save everything for the next record, i.e. don't reinitialize anything; Object 1 meant to start with the first field (but then why wouldn't that be the default? Well, probably for cases when the entry of previous record skipped last few fields, so this would send it back to square one) when showgets(1,.t.)“ is the expression to be evaluated before start of Read, and showgets() was my routine in unosc.prg which should just refresh all onscreen fields.

My 2nd trip to Délkút, with Ileš, of course. This time we probably did some real work. The GenerAll was still in its diapers, though I was developing the main ledger for a potential customer of Vanji's phantom (now with a potential to become real) company. The customer was an idiot, the shape of things to come.

He once visited us, with his daughter whom she poked. The girl was pretty and cute and nuts but... ouch, the shape she was in. She's been in a nasty traffic crash, and they patched her the best they could, small scars everywhere, and acupuncture was supposed to speed up her trip back to normal. The guy was about our age, professional freshly rich, spoke random rubbish, counting on being spared any critical response by his customer status, so I at least had to pretend I was listening. Next time he just left the daughter for the session and picked her up afterwards. There was no third time. Vanji worked some at his place; the guy was sort of a customer and more of a place to have HQ while this lasted, the period since 12-XI-1993. when he got unemployed. (this I also put on 01-V-1993.... well, all the same)

GenerAll did have menus and front page and forms and reports, and it all worked somehow, but those forms had dozens of things I wanted done differently.

Managed to get a few shots here and there and only developed them some time in september, in Gemenc, but didn't take the camera there until next year. This is the view from the terrace, facing the house of mason neighbor, with all those little sheds, from which the dog was launched by the wind (see 25-I-1994.).

Mentions: 01-V-1993., 12-XI-1993., Shit waited long enough to happen, 25-I-1994., Délkút, Gemenc, GenerAll, Ileš Notaroš, unosc.prg, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian