
Dad asked how the kids here learn to write at all, with the script being so seriously divorced from sound. Ouch.

The Englishes are mostly literate, the fame even has it that they are overeducated - but that may have been caused by the Englishes here being mostly the ones who could afford the ticket and who attended better schools. Amers, hit and miss, I often see programmers who had their load of blunders. I already had fished out a hefty list of rubbish, specially with more complicated latin words, but the notice from Lynchburg, where Nina had gone to pass english for foreigners: they meant to say that the exam overseer of the examination has a discretionary right to deny admission to those who come late, but instead of „at sole discretion of“, they wrote „desecration“...

What's their bread, when Ricardo loves our bread so much?

Soggy and soft, to be toasted. When you grab a slice by a corner, it hangs like a rag. Okay, a thicker rag, say a washcloth. Can't spread anything on it until it's toasted. And the toaster we took to Go - we don't use it.

There's pie crust* to buy, named filo dough, which seems to be a greek thing, but not exactly like ours, so she decided to knead and spread it herself. I see that the dining table is the one for terrace, with glass top, and the one with the wooden top is, well, somewhere. I guess our bedroom(... 36 words...). The dining room isn't too big and it's a passthrough to the kitchen, so this distribution of furniture seemed to suit us better.

Last night Nina got stuck with home[work]. Word (the m$'s piece of shit) kept banging every now and then, she wrote the last page several times, barely managed to print it in the end. I sat with her and read something until half three, and she stayed even longer.

The app for Joe is making fresh progress, it's that we're running thin with the remaining billable hours, and some minor add-ons keep cropping up... Berix and I keep and keep working on it, running out of things that we can charge for. Looking at his site now (2024), it still works and sells apps with similar name and purpose, and even boasts of the app having been on the top ever since 1987...

On next day I see a fresh version of alert.prg, and somewhere in the buttons setup code a certain „Foxtools Forever and Dark Beer Club“ is mentioned, which consisted of N.N., a Russian somewhere in Canada, J. Tasker near Atlanta, J. Bower from Australia and me.

(... 42 words...)


* in serbian, „pie crust“ is „kora za pitu“ and actualy means filo dough - for burek, gibanica and poppy/cherry/pumpkin rolls

** motive and motif are the same word in serbian, pun intended

Mentions: alert.prg, burek, Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), gibanica, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Joe Dioballato, Majkrosoft (m$), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), in serbian