
In the morning we went to Čankovo to see how things are and to check on the kittens. They've grown nicely. I can count at least three of them on the dozen shots I made.

Then went to see Lena, it's a saturday and she's off the work. For lunch we made a stop at the Ranč fastmunch, their leskovačka pljeskavica, nominally just a burger, is actually 250g of meat, it's a whole lunch. She made us coffee, and we mostly took it out to her little terrace, so we could have a smoke. The building is an incredible mix of late self-managed architecture of the seventies - the halls and staircases are the classic ground stone mix polished to be flat, same as in structures built ten or thirty years before, and later add-ons - the banisters are a somewhat darker red, and the walls are covered in white tile to the height of 180cm. I couldn't resist making this autopatch of the staircase.

By dusk, we went over to the JUBC (yugoslav business center), the compound where Prodise is, the same one that I mentioned on 27-VII-2005. as „off the hook, bright red steampunk ironworks on the façade“. Too bad that the red is the most unstable pigment and it doesn't look so bright anymore. Nevertheless, I made a dozen of good shots, it's the blue hour of dusk, when the street lights still don't outshine the daylight.

This was shot from the little pedestrian bridge in the middle of the compound. It bridges, ahem, a street, or rather a service road at the ground floor, because this plaza/promenade is somewhere halfway up the 2nd floor level. The ground here is slowly sloping down towards Danube, which was cunningly used to hide this ground loor without actually digging it in. Coming from boulevard side, there are a few stairs, which don't give an impression that there's much to climb, and then look, there's already a whole floor beneath our feet. Down there the space houses various shops which don't need pedestrian traffic - tourist agencies, office furniture, appliance repair.

Some of these shots merited an appearance on suština. This architectural extravagance actually sits quite well with the people walking through it, looks like everyone feels at home.

Next weekend Lena came, and we made a grand tour of Lalinski and Čankovo, to air our heads a bit.

Mentions: 27-VII-2005., Čankovo, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Lalinski Konak, Prodise, suština, in serbian