
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

A private startup owned by (and initially named after) one guy who had lots of ideas but doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the set. Nor is he the programmer who created the product - that was done by his former partners, who got paid off and left. Pretty much like the outfit that Joška got paid out from back in the early nineties.

They were somewhere in this building, the steampunk miracle of architecture that I spotted from the bus on 27-VII-2005..

The work wasn't going bad, the product had nice demand, and his caprices and quirks just flew by for a while. It wasn't much of a problem that he demanded impossible from time to time, this was a gang of young hacks who do hard stuff right away and impossible takes whole day. It was that he often demanded complicated things which everyone knew wouldn't work, or the user wouldn't like them. His most famous gaffe was the instantaneity (sounds equally stupid in serbian), which was that any time consuming task should be finished right away - displaying as finished while the finger is still lifted from the mouse (or touchscreen - had those already, this is 2014) while the real work in the background is only beginning. Took two months of work to show him he was wrong.

The new name of the company was short for "programmers' paradise", which came close to true for beginners. But soon his quirks, his choice of managers, some micromanaging... that was just too much. So instead of that, it became a training center.

This is where Lena and Milan met, on the job.

Mentions: 27-VII-2005., 03-X-2013., 25-XII-2013., 11-II-2014., 19-II-2014., 27-II-2014., 15-III-2014., 30-I-2016., Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Joška Apro, Milan Nastić, training center, in serbian