
(Person, Yugoslavia)

Among the better chicks of IV4, kept the shape and face well into seventh decade. We never came into contact, not during the school days, perhaps danced twice and that was it. Synchronization or whatever, because when I set my eyes on her she was with Sarča, and then later I was permanently occupied, so we passed each other by.

We're still good pals even nowadays, see each other at each parastos, she doesn't miss them. She worked in the social [security], along with Žuca, on retirements.

Mentions: 31-V-2014., 02-IX-2014., 03-IX-2016., 09-IX-2017., 14-IX-2019., 01-IX-2021., 18-IX-2021., The other annual party, 11-V-2022., 01-XII-2023., 26-V-2024., Gradivoj Sarčević (Sarča), IV4, maturski parastos (parastos), Živana Armatović (Žuca), in serbian

18-VI-2024 - 18-VI-2024