
Been to Novi about some exam (maybe the physics, that I failed again). The transportation back home was Borko, namely his father, who was someone in the province syndicate (aka trade union) and had a session of some province level body that day. I remember only him driving through Žabalj and when he mentioned that political work he was attending to. For some reason, that's, in my mind, connected to the death of Milivoje, father of Veca and Sneca, of which I only heard when we came home, or maybe he knew it and remembered to mention it during the ride. It was light and cloudy.

One weekend this september we two went with my dad somewhere to Svilajnac, Lajkovac, whichever, for dad to cash his car loan (trick explained on 04-I-1977.). The guy whom we visited was trying to make dad to buy a moskvič, which is a bit more thirsty but is indestructible. And then went on about some guy who crashed against a locomotive with a moskvič, and the locomotive needed some body work while moskvič needed none.

He changed the tune when he took his moskvič to the regular checkup, where his kum was the boss. They sat and sipped coffee while the guys finished the job. When they were done, the kum sat at the wheel to spin a round around the yard just to check it out... and lost a wheel. The bolts were screwed in by fingers. Moskvič suddenly became the worst car in the world.

While dad was going through paperwork with the guy, we two strolled around. Behind one hedge piglets were frolicking, no larger than about ten days. She said „wow look how sweet they are, let's take one home“.

Mentions: 04-I-1977., kum, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Milivoje Stojanović, Novi Sad, Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), Vera Stojanović (Veca), in serbian