
Asking at oldwave:

Does anyone know Nikola Tamindžić of radio Bolikita*? He stumbled upon some band from Arlington in Virginia, with whom I am in some connection - exchanging emails with the brother of one of associated members (which would be, as it were, Burt), and the house where he lives is somewhat communal, so in it also the main persona & singer Xianna (Zyanna), which is her nom de arte, i.e. she also did the paperwork and now that's her real name.

If anyone has a faster connection than I do, on my GetOrder three of their songs are wating, so I'd move them into pad (there's about ten meg altogether).

Ere, the said Nikola got some of that himself, and he liked it and wants to haul someone from the band here to do an interview and eventually get a CD. Is the guy OK, is he to be trusted, considering where he's working?

Guy said, what I thought were violins, is in the matter an electric cello, handiwork on a friendly basis, which in remaining bases costs about 4-6000$.

Fenči replies:

That's one of the most faithful fans of Pokret Otpora [Resistance movement] from "that one", who almost followed us concert after concert. With him the problem is that even "then" (say, '91, '92) he moved to the periphery of Belgrade and thus lost a phone line...:( If you need anything call upon me at will, try to get him while the emisija is on. Few more key names around me which are surely worth mentioning to Nikola are Peđa, Sloba, Saša Lazić...

Later, on 2nd october, I continue...

The pal from Arlington has, BTW, sent me a CD with the music of the said band, plus six cassettes on the side - mostly the early works of his neighbors and friends (including his brother, who joins them on the violin at times), and lo and behold, a couple of weeks ago he went for a walk (because he crumpled his Alfa Romeo Spajder Veloče, which he probably pronounces as vellowsy), and spotted a yard sale. They have this custom of selling stuff in the yard before moving, and they move more frequently. Ere, he got there late, found just some remainders, as there was a heap with "free" written. On that heap he found some thirty cassettes, with twenty bootlegs of "Grejtful ded", and "Joca Ječmenica ima da baci kašiku" by "Saobraćaj" (John Barleycorn gotta throw the spoon, Traffic). Found there the glavonja (well, deadhead) seller, who confirmed the bootlegs to be genuine, he knew exactly which concerts were recorded from the audience and which tapped off the sound system. The cassettes seem to have been rained on at a time, but the sound is, he says, OK. He hauled it two kilometers in his left hand, because he still wears splinters on his right (no, didn't slice his hand when he did with the Alfa, but rather the day after when he stumbled over his threshhold (yes!) and poked his arm through the glass of the storm door).


* radio Politika, but this pun has become their nickname (for radio, TV and the daily newspaper). „boli kita“ - dick hurts.

Mentions: emisija, oldwave, Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), Zyanna, in serbian

26-VI-2024 - 27-VI-2024