
Last night Borko called to remind me there's a wine evening in the city garden, advertising the winery of Zvonko Bogdan. Does he mean to sing? Nope, he won't even be there, just his wines. Said, if there's a rain meanwhile, we'll be there, otherwise off we go to the garden to water. He's got a neighbor like that, hurrying to water before the rain starts... And, ah, yes, the next sitting is moved forward from monday to saturday, he's got such a setup now.

Nina's first day at work is today, yesterday she had orientation and getting to know the house, real work begins today. The kids did alright all day, and the next two, didn't yank us on Telegram at all. A friend of hers, from the homebirthers club (probably doyen, she did that fisix times) will be with them for three and a half hours in the morning every day, and they'll manage the rest of the day, they ain't small anymore.

Today we watered there indeed, the temporary pump works like a dragon. Along the way there we bought the hose connectors, so I untangled that green hose (guess that's why it got returned, they tangled it and didn't know how to unravel), got it all connected and then we went on watering seriously. The tomatoes were very pleased. I tried to make the hand pump work but nope, it just keeps destroying them leather gaskets, no matter that it looks smooth and isn't torn like it used to become, but still it lets air around, it got filed off. Never mind, the hose works just fine.

In the evening, while we talked with m$, Borko called from the city garden, said just when it began, a downpour started, they barely managed to hide in the building... And here nothing. For three-four days I keep looking at radar images and map of lightnings and lightnings* and I almost feel as if we became Kragujevac (from the proverb „goes around like rain around Kragujevac).

Lena has a story to tell, from the gym. Her trainer likes to record videos of her, so he got one last week as she was doing pullups (by mere accident I remembered what that was), and played it on the gym's site, for members only. When next time she came, even before the dressing room guys would approach her to congratulate her, saying „you're my role model“, „greetings, inspiration“. What, I said, now all the guys want to be eight months pregnant and do pullups?

Then one of the members turned out to be a reporter too, and she wanted to do an interview with her. But think it over first. She talked with Milan, and it went „well maybe... under the condition that it's not Blic (flash, from ger. Blitz)... nor Informer... not Kurir (courier) either... nor Telegraf... nor Nova... nor Pink... nor N1...“. In two minutes they listed all the possible magazines and couldn't find a single one where one'd agree to even be mentioned by name, let alone do a whole interview, because just coming to a spitting distance to any of them leaves you smeared with shit. Not a single good one.

His negotiations for the new job are progressing nicely, and he managed to divorce the old one. Talked to his boss, and the girl said that for childbirth he can get two months off at 20% of the salary. Then talked directly with the founder and the guy said right off that the offer is bullshit, and said better wait for the second half of the year, next monday, then you can use all of this year's vacation, and days off and whatever you are entitled to. Seems he also had enough, he's obviously not governing the firm anymore.

Soon we'll bring them more eggs. Several months they refused, no go, their current diet is without. That changed now, and now when she wanted to make pancakes, it turned out second carton in a row, from neatby Maksi, was just old eggs, no matter the date printed on the carton, the air bubble takes third of the space, and two-three eggs were even rotten. Excellent, we're already missing space even in the freezer, she froze 150 eggs already, and now for the last batch of brandy (6,7 liters of mostly apricot) she took out the frozen cherries from two years ago and thawed them.

Our first neighbors unglued somewhat... he calls this morning for her to come to the fence... gave her four pears and went into a story of how some black guys keep coming and recording them (unclear whether photo or video), climb our birch and do from there, and peek over Juliška's fence wall. True, there were a couple of them last fall, from urbanism [city planning, that is], took shots of the vacant half lot by Faik's house and of their backyard garden, but they knew it then, and wrote it off as „they can't do us a thing, the lot is booked on us“ (i.e. legally recorded in cadaster as their property). Just in case I took the room ladder which I put by the chicken coop when I was raking the fallen apricots off its roof. We're wondering whether it may be a belated case of vaccine.

On twonysixth, finally rain. At least we managed to water on time.

She spoke with Go. They chatted text first for half an hour, typed a whole novel, then went into talk. Sound only, no image, the old gugolj can't pull more. She still coughs, but so it goes, when you start with MMS (chlorine dioxyde, three drops in a glass of water, two-three times, starting about an hour after the last coffee), the cleansing takes time and time, and then once you don't even notice when it finished. The news is that the old lady, whose house they are renting for tenth year in a row, married again and wants to build a house in the backyard, to rent and also means to move into the front house, where they are now. In about a year from now. Stanley got the jitters, he's got a yard full of beemers... They heard that someone got, for mere 250K$, a house with three acres of land, not so far out of town. They just may pull something like that themselves.

Around midnight we finally talked with Nina, on mac this time, heard how's the new job. Well, a spa - the average staž is fifteen years, there's loads of benefits, they pay tuitions and not necessarily in one's line of work, many begin at menial labor and end up engineers... A been-there-done-it-all colorful career, without changing employers. No rush, relaxance. Got the official tablet (on which she's supposed to work) and a laptop and a phone, passwords and whatever she'll use. They have a standard Oracle database and utilities application, now only to lean the ropes, what's where in it. She already peeked into her own record to see how's she standing with the few hundred she owed, because she wasn't forgiven the broken pipe which nobody noticed this time, the leak flowed into a former well so the lawn didn't turn muddy. The same leak first occurred twelve years ago, and the team which then fixed it actually didn't do much, so it occured last fall again.

On twonyseventh (... 50 words...) she visited the promes too, which didn't go bust but just closed their shop where it was close here. The assortment they got ain't what it once was, they turned scum too. At least she found a good piece of švargla, and some šunkarica (ham salami), seems to be like, is not so soft and watery on touch as the new normal has it.


* „munje i gromovi“ - cloud-to-cloud lightings and cloud-to-earth lighning

Mentions: Faik Rizvani, Gorana Sredljević (Go), gugolj, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Juliška, Majkrosoft (m$), Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Milan Nastić, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), promes, Stanley Berger, staž, švargla, in serbian

26-VI-2024 - 27-VI-2024