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At work, trying to get phones in the grid to work, with a generic phone control where any phone can be any type (landline, mobile, office, office mobile, pager, fax, urgent contact person etc), so a patient can have six faxes and no cell phone, if they want so. Different from the current setup with just so and so many phones of each kind (one of each, perhaps two landlines or two mobiles). The trouble is that regular numbers have two parts - area code and number, while the foreign ones also have country code, which is to be hidden if not needed, depending on a checkbox. Which is fine and easy to do, except that regular rules don't apply to a control in a grid, at least not in fox. The existing system is an ass backward triper - instead of accessing patient's phones by gathering all the patient's phone numbers from the phones table by patient's key in the records there, the patient's record has the keys of each kind of phone, so there can be only as many phones of each type as there are such fields - five or seven (two are reserved for emergency contacts, but same mechanism applies). This probably started with one number, then others were added over the years, making it just worse... To make things worse, it's obsolete - the number of people wearing pagers nowadays is microscopic; fax is something used in just a few offices, many people don't have a landline nowadays, but have two or three mobiles... Well, this new scheme would be able to accomodate them.

(Epilogue: did it the right way in the web app, retrofitting the keys into the main record the old way, but still displaying the phones in arbitrary set of types web-side; inside the Feds itself this in-grid solution didn't quite work, or needed some extra fitting in, and was never applied; as of 2019 it's the same as it always was)

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Mentions: Feds, fox, triper kombinacija, in serbian