11-IX-1998.: replying to a job ad

My response to a job ad by Zero:

Available positions : Programmer

1+ years experience in VFP 5.0.

As you can see from the resume, I don't lack experience nor expertise. I have survived at least fifty accounting/financial managers, been almost everywhere and done a lot. Porting the apps from FPD2.6 directly into VFP5 is something I've already half done - at least the tables get into a DBC, screens are ported to forms with all the snippets appearing as methods, all the m.var references replaced with thisform.object.value, snippet (methods now) cross-reference is handled too... it simply works. I practically have my FPD framework some 80% ported already into VFP. Medical education is something I'm indirectly married to - I was teaching in a (not medical) high school for five years, and I've done lot of medical software and had many contacts with the medical profession. My wife is also a doctor, so I think I had to learn more about medicine than I ever wanted to.

You may take a look at my messages at the UA (where I actually found your ad) or just ask some people around there - they already know me well.

Availability is another issue - I'm available as soon as visa is settled. From the information I have gathered, I qualify for H1 class of visas, and there shouldn't be much of a problem. While the visa is in process, I can settle the matters with my partners and make provisions for my family. The family will have to stay here for undefinite time - all three daughters are at school (different stages of - from primary to college).

Since your time zone is 8 hours behind mine, I can't answer e-mail faster than within 24h.

Background of the company or the organization

Software company specializing in solutions for Medical Education for the past seven years. We have software in over 100 residency hospitals across the US. Recently started development for medical schools to expand our product line to provide complete coverage of all major systems needed to administer medical education at that level. Located in A-burg, VA., ranked as the best small city in the Eastern US.

I love small cities - I live in one.

Hoping to hear from you soon,

And my first resume was attached. It took some web search to find a proper form, on AltaVista, of course, using my trusty Netscape (aka nescafe) 3, on a dial-up. The line height wasn't double, though, it's just that I was using sezam as my email server (and SOR, Sezam Offline Reader) as a client, and that was strictly in text mode, with hardcoded carriage returns.

Mentions: Annenburg (A-burg), sezam, UbiquAgora (UA), Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian