Lidija Vučetić /Budvari/

(Person, Yugoslavia)

The student of the generation (which would be the valedictorian, I guess) in my elementary school, one class before me. Yet another programmer-mathematician. Was my admin and project manager for a while at stour, until two events just scared her away. First was when the guys from Iskra Delta came to defragment the disks. The other was 02-VII-1987. and Žića with "don't nobody leave town, we need to be ready if anything appears".

She went to be an assistant on petefi for a while, then her husband got something in Belgrade. Haven't heard of her since.

Mentions: 26-V-1986., august 1986., 01-IX-1986., 02-VII-1987., september 1987., 05-X-1987., 12-XI-1987., First allnighter, 19-XI-1987., 19-IV-1988., september 1989., oour, petefi, stour, Žića, in serbian