
The day when Žića got the nickname Sledge Hammer confirmed. So far, its cause was only his "trust me, I know what I'm doing" attitude.

This day, he came to explain that with the 2nd quarter being what it was, and what with The Big Report that had to be submitted to sdk or somewhere by the end of july, and that possibly some member enterprisess would take the precautions not to be caught in the nick of the deadline, so they may decide to work during the next week, so... "don't nobody leave town".

Lidija almost burst into tears, or did so only when he left the building and we left the room. This was the perfect year - 4th of july, the Day of the fighter, and 7th, the Day of uprising (in Serbia, 1941) fell squarely around a weekend, so anyone who had some overtime (and we all did, lots of - there was the yellow book where we wrote our time debits and credits) could take three days off and have two weekends connected - nine days. And she planned a little vacation, maybe the first one in years. And now it's cancelled, sit at home and wait for a call which won't happen - for if we don't feel like working, the rest of stour feels the same, just stronger.

She quit by october, went to be an assistant at petefi. A quieter life, and the professors are just crazy, not insane.

Some time this summer the mayor went to Tisa, to the same old place by the bridge, and the same tavern. Perheps he didn't have those mayorly looks, whatever, he got a dirty glass and lots of attitude from the waiter. This can't stay unavenged, so when he got back to the office, he called Vlastimir to tell him to send someone the next day to shake that tavern out of its pants. He promised to send B. However, he didn't - didn't tell the poor guy anything, didn't leave a note (B. was dežurni on saturday). For this B. ate a lot of fire and almost lost his job.

Mentions: dežurni, Lidija Vučetić /Budvari/, petefi, sdk, stour, Vlastimir Uvalić, Žića, in serbian