Pič (Robert Pintarič)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A peasant from Slovenia, but an educated one - he finished the high school of agriculture, and he was raising bulls. He was our cook up there on the hill.

I spoke to him briefly years after we parted, while I was in the US and started having cheap Skype calls - I figured I could spare a buck or two to speak to the old pal. However, just like when I tried to speak with Morkec or Šime, it wasn't too cordial and didn't last long. Maybe I have a knack to call at the wrong time. Didn't call any of them again.

Mentions: 22-V-1982., Damir Molnarić (Morkec), Gradivoj Sredljević, Lovorko Olujić (Šime), in serbian

27-III-2024 - 30-VI-2024