Gradivoj Sredljević

(Person, Yugoslavia)


Note that date links from here cover mostly the days where I'm quoting a chat or document with my name in it; where I'm telling it first person, I'm not mentioning myself in third person (maybe later, if I develop that kind of a kink*), so very few date links.

Also, no nickname, though I had several over the years. The code to apply the appropriate nickname to each context, specially in the years when they'd call me by two different ones in different company, plus by name at home... would be too complicated. Life is too short for that level of fiddling.

The above was written prob'ly around 2019 or earlier. This is how I changed my mind when I started moving Byo from fox to Python.

Actually, no need to write any code, at least for the serbian version, I have the case suffixes there, and I could treat the nicknames as extra cases, I'm not limited to just seven. Which I eventually did, in october 2023 [when english version was also migrated to Python], so in the pseudolink instead of just :2 for genitive or :4 for accusative case, or :ppžm2 for genitive plural of possessive adjective of female gender, I can prefix that with an extra n after the colon, and have that apply to the nickname. The code for Byo doesn't check what's in there, whatever I put in it is just a part of the key. The trouble is for me to know which keys already exist, who'll ever memorize all these abbreviations (the computer will, you horse you, write some dropdown, lazy bum), and I had at least five nicknames which lasted longer than a year.

At times I had two nicknames going, so in different companies they called me differently. The frst one I contracted as early as in obdanište, taken from a character in „Na slovo, na slovo“, which I didn't like, so lacking originality. The second and most original is the current one, which happened to me in fourth grade, when the teacher gave us a comic strip, drawn after Turgenjev's short story, about a birdling fallen out of its nest, a dog coming for it, and the mother bird defending the chick. Guess she hoped some of us may outdo Turgenjev. I had no idea what to do with the story, didn't feel like writing anything with big pathetic words and noble feelings, so I resorted to comedy, invented drunken hunters and their dog Fajće. I didn't know that p and f are so related (on Pillipines everyone knows that), so I had to learn it as it applied to me - over time it became Pajće, and about early gimnazija finally Paće. Back then in 1968 they called me that at school, while the gang on the corner still called me by the earlier nickname.

The neat circumstance was that my alias on ppp was Rasejan, i.e. Расејан in cyrillic, and their software had the glitch that in some cases it wouldn't count the unicode properly, so for the eight characters it would allocate eight bytes, which is four characters in cyrillic, so I'd come out as „pace“. Which was read variously, as payss and pače and paće. When migrating to burundi, I used the chance to come to my own term.

In the vojska they called me Profa, except Morkec and Pič, for them I was Profi. The students called me Tata Brada (dady beard) until kviskoteka, and Kvisko henceforth. In stour my name was my nickname, only pronounced in Čurdian shortfalling accent on first, the way Joži did. After that, always and only Paće, the others fell off. In Zero they called me Grady, of course, they shorten everything except names of products, cart parts and games. Those must be long, the rest they can abbr.

Daughters: Go, Nina, Lena. Grandchidren: Raja, Neša, Violet, Anita, Sanda and Linda. (... 6 words...)

My smoking laws:

- burns better if you bring it along (and then later, to the same tune, „it unlocks easier if you have the key“, „works much better if you turn the power on“ and such)

- nonsmokers die healthier

- smoking prolongs life - nonsmokers are shot right away

- smoking shortens cigarettes

Favorite programming proverbs:

- if you don't know what an object should do, don't begin making it until you do

- method's name should be a verb plus optional object; if you can't think of a clear and unambiguous name for it, don't write until you do

- there's never time enough to do it right, but there's always time to do it twice

- what's the best method for caching a RAM disk?

- four digit customer code will suffice. Once it's too short, you'll send a helicopter to fetch me.

- these machines are stupid and it's our job to teach them

- it's like playing a contrabass in a phone booth with your hands tied behind your back

Other - sayings, invented words, pearls (not repeating my quarter of house dictionary, though):

15:00 instead of 3 PM**, because I don't like the ayem peeyem


deduh, babuha (stepgrandfather, stepgrandmother), which I invented when we were trying to define what are we to Eleese

doesn't even know whether that's something to spread on bread or pour into tractor

don't worry, I'm not so horrible in daylight

general method of „pokušaja i popušaja“ (trial and blowjob)

good old times are today or never

I didn't believe in reincarnation in the previous life either

if „I love you so“ means strongly, then „I love you so-so“ must be twice as strongly.

machine which removes unfocused pixels

„na miceve“ („by bits“) as a unit of measure, where one would say „tiny bit by tiny bit“

naspidermija - when one keeps say „naspider mi“ (c'mon pour me one)

ram disk caching

relaxative - a drink

retirement is measured not by meter, but by count

smile from ear to ass („od uveta do dupeta“, rhymes in serbian)

the first one to pass the popravni, goes to get me a burek

whoever tries to light me up on enthusiasm, gets a brick in the head


* She already did, she mentions herself in third person a lot, only when addressing grandchildren, „here, baba will bring that right away...“. I do too, sometimes, but generally correct myself before finishing the sentence.

** well known abbr. for „tri pičke materine“, three mother's cunts, a famous place where to send anyone/anything you dislike at the moment

Mentions: 05-X-1971., 08-XII-1971., Bulgaria and Switzerland, january 1986., 17-V-1996., 15-V-1997., 05-XII-1998., 31-XII-1998., 10-II-1999., 25-III-1999., 12-VIII-1999., 04-IX-1999., 19-IX-1999., 26-IX-1999., 06-III-2000., 01-XII-2000., 05-IV-2001., 15-IX-2001., 20-V-2008., 06-VII-2010., 15-II-2012., 28-V-2018., 26-VII-2021., 05-X-2023., 22-X-2023., Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), burek, burundi, Byo (Byo), Čurda, Damir Molnarić (Morkec), Eleese Aquila (Eleese), fox, gimnazija, Gorana Sredljević (Go), house dictionary, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Joži Ramada, kviskoteka, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Nenad Berger (Neša), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), obdanište, popravni, ppp, Robert Pintarič (Pič), Ryu (Raja), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), solitaire, stour, Violet, vojska, Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian

23-X-2012 - 25-VI-2024