
I started an attempt to rewrite assets (base inventory - involves furniture, buildings, equipment etc) as a web app, using WWWC.

Some guy named Andrew Harrison posted a "pwned in RL" picture of a huge m$ billboard, advertising XP, reworked to "Suddenly everything sucks" (instead of ...clicks). It made its rounds on the web within the day. I even sent it to Avai... as a link, which is now (2022) dead. But the web remembers, even in the low rez of the times.

Sent to Burt and Beatrice the pics of him and his dad, from their recent visit.

Adelphia found that I have the Nimda virus on my web server, which I didn't even know was running (until I tried to do the web stuff). So I'm messing with AtGuard firewall and learning how the firewalls in general should be working. Judging by the messages I sent, I still had to learn a lot. My email is still at Yahoo, as I'm definitely not using the one at Zero (which doesn't exist), and surely not at Adelphia, the morons.

I was using Mozilla while NS was in 6.0 version, which still wasn't quite there, but I had trouble with Mozilla 0.9.3 which simply refused to install on my machine, but then NS came out with 6.1, which worked just fine and looked far more polished. The nice thing is that they share the files - any settings you make in Mozilla are used in NS and vice versa. I didn't have to touch a thing, it just worked after I clicked Install.

From Burt;

After we left your place, we drove up U.S. 29 and 33 over Shenandoah Mountain to Elkton as you suggested, and checked into a cheap, halfway decent motel. We set the alarm for 4:00 A.M. and drove out a dark road that followed the foot of the mountain. The meteors came one every few seconds at the best, coming and going, sort of. There would be minutes when only one or two were seen, and other times when two would appear at once, and more than one per second. That location was very dark, though there was a little glow from Elkton or maybe Harrisonburg. We stayed until it began to get light, before dawn. We sometimes got into the truck and ran the engine to get warm. Occasionally headlights would go by and I would cover my eyes to save my night vision.

The meteors were still visible as the stars were disappearing, when we returned to the motel and tried to get more sleep.

The next day we drove around the south end of Massanutten Mountain trying and failing to find hiking trails that weren't part of the privately owned ski resort. We wandered around Harrisonburg for a bit and came home to watch the game.

Did I forget to mention he was an amateur astronomer?

Mentions: assets app, Avai, Beatrice Palmieri, Majkrosoft (m$), Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian