assets app

(App, Yugoslavia)

Every company had to have one - this is the main assets app.

This we in Avai mostly stole from DBA and then reworked it thoroughly, even though Fefi boasted that it already had everything (there's a legendary dialogue with a prospective customer, who listed an extensive list of requirements, to which he said "perfect, I don't have to touch anything"). The forms had to be reworked for GenerAll, searches had to be redone into catal6 instead of dummy browse grids, various dialogs had to be reworked to use upitig2.prg etc etc.

The app worked, in the end, even though we gave some parts of it to one girl who was not even employed, just came to volunteer and learn what she can - and then changed hands (the app, that is), first was in Joška's (may 1996), then Vanji's older son's (until october), then mine. Even today I have a serious nagging feeling that we had a version out there which had some serious bug in the calculation of writeoff when an asset was decomissioned, sold or moved inside the organization. Though it never came back to bite us.

The comment from obotudje.prg (removal.preSave() in today's terms) in the.log reads "of course, nobody noticed that the record isn't written yet, and nobody wondered why on the statement there are no removals... and why in otudjeno.dbf not all records are deleted (and they should be, according to this), leaves us to wonder - is this an error inside an error?"

"Where is the procurement written and why doesn't it have to appear on the statement? I enter a new asset, and it doesn't have a statement. Drives me crazy... nothing is regular: you write that it exists, but it's not in the statement until the initial state is deduced; I deduce it and yet it doesn't have any inputs (i.e. not the procurement either, no carry from before, no initial state) but it has amount and value."

"Writeoff must not exceed the purchase value! (ok)"

Mentions: 19-IV-1988., 20-V-1995., 29-VIII-1995., 06-IX-1995., 30-X-1995., 07-II-1996., 25-II-1996., 28-II-1996., 06-V-1996., 06-II-1997., 15-III-1997., 18-XI-2001., 30-XI-2001., 02-IV-2002., 17-II-2007., Avai, catal6, DBA, Ferenc Farkaš (Fefi), GenerAll, Joška Apro, the.log, upitig2.prg, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian

16-XI-2019 - 10-IX-2023