
Officially started working in DBA, having used up my vacation days from stour. Vanji and I have got an office in Dom, ground floor, and have bought one AT machine, with (IIRC) an amber monitor. I was considering what to use for development - fox or Turbo Pascal. Got someone's menu system, perhaps the one delivered by Borland itself, from Bole and was trying to understand how the whole thing works.

The office was just one room attached to the offices of the SSOJ's municipal HQ. It was a bit funny to see all those political posters ("Europe is OURS too" - not sure whether they meant the young couple on the rather flashy and modern designed poster or oours) while thinking of business to come. The comradess secretary, a fiery little one, later married the dummy looking (half closed eyes, brush mustache) other guy from the municipal committee of SSOJ. I didn't quite expect him to have the charms for that. Who'd say.

During this period the SSOJ team used every chance to insert me whenever they ran out of functionaries to attend this or that meeting, specially where I wasn't even remotely connected, just to, I suppose, make them look more serious and avant garde at the same time, what with hair, beard and old jeans. There was one such contextless meeting when they brought an EC instructor... from Bulgaria. A kid, she wasn't above 20, and then Bulgaria wasn't anywhere near membership at the time. This must have been a propaganda training course, preparing the future vassals. The chick, though, looked extremely fuckappealing, despite being blackhaired, at some pheromone level. Solidly built, tanned somewhat, white stockings under a dopičnjak, with only me and three other guys sitting in the space where her underwear was visible. I think nobody remembered what was spoken, the minute we left the room. Or was that dopičnjak supposed to be a symbolic window into The West? Since when is Bulgaria west of us? Or is this West a promise of a cunt? So far we got dick.

Regardless, I was just waiting for this period to expire and to stop seeing this crowd and sit on meetings, but no. There were elections this year (wikipedia doesn't know the date, so guess september), and the SSOJ put me on their list, even though I was far beyond their youth age limit. You're working for our cause, they said, so age doesn't matter. And I get elected. Which brought no glory, I kept getting oodles of printed materials to decide on irrelevant matters. Anything of any importance was decided higher up.

Mentions: Bole, DBA, Dom omladine, dopičnjak, fox, oour, SSOJ, stour, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian