february 1957.

In that house in Livade, where we lived at the time, the gonk didn't go straight, it was rather L shaped as the whole house, or it connected to the terrace. The main door faced the yard over that terrace, and the side exit of the terrace went to the path to the gate (wooden and black, as it happened in the villages). Dad was something in the cooperative (manager?) and there was always some work to do, so even when he was at home, guys would be coming by to ask this or that or at least kill some time. So I saw them skip those two steps at the terrace's edge, so I wanted to do that too myself. Took a run, landed squarely and - ouch. My shin cracked. I saw an x-ray shot of it later.

I remember the fall itself, and the stairs and there's the end of tape, no more film. It healed well, I never had trouble with it. Sometimes it would tingle a bit, more like a slight tickle inside the bone, don't know whether that counts at all, as I'd feel the same in the other leg at other times. Nowadays I'm not sure which leg it was, probably the right one.

Mentions: gonk, in serbian