
Five days ago Zeki fucked up his other leg. Wheelchaired now. Found out when we dropped by to get milk.

The "Flaming Mary" day, so the masons will start only tomorrow. The guy called and said he recalculated, because of the few extra bits we threw in, from 2500€ to 2800€ - which we said is fine, let's get started.

Stanley was a bit nervous about all the asbesthos that we had in those 80 square meters of old sheet rock, so we said we'll take it out. I quit work around 13:45, and we started taking these boards down from the attic, down the ladder, then into the saxo and off to Čankovo to put them in the garage there. Even though the whole asbesthos causing cancer is most probably a scam (the only victims were the miners in South Africa, where asbesthos is blue - it could be some side ingredient that's caused it) driven to extort enormous money from anyone who had it in their buildings, we just wanted to make a gesture of making extra steps for safety.

It took us four rides, because the boards are about 14-15kg apiece, so the saxo was loaded with extra 280kg each time. Which it took easily, the only sign of being loaded was that the steering was too easy, all of a sudden.

Go and Neša were at dad's, with a trip to the park and the swimming pool - not much people there, as there was some rain in the morning, very welcome in the current swelter. They walked back in the evening, by the time we were done with the third round and were cleaning up. Later, around 22:00, I drove the fourth on my own. The night at Čankovo is beautiful, so many more stars are visible than here. I knew that already, but it's always a surprise when I see it.

On 31st, in checklists in Feds, this comment I wrote: „code removed because it called code which was never written. F#3076“.

Mentions: Čankovo, Feds, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jovan Dimijan (Zeki), Nenad Berger (Neša), saxo, Stanley Berger, in serbian