Rich Petrovich

(Person, USA)

Some kind of engineer, allegedly from an old Belgrade family, who emigrated long ago and started a small business in electronics. His partner, actually the guy who designed the circuits and probably also wrote the drivers, was an engineer from a village near my hometown (and then this guy's wife was a doctor, worked at zzzzz and I actually knew her from there, and even remember when she was about to leave, probably in 1998).

We had a separate event with this doctor. We got her phone number somehow, and called her just to ask what would be needed to nostrify a medical diploma here. Counting on being previously acquainted and not asking for anything but just information. But no, she immediately fucked us away, I can not help you in any way, do not call me again. I knew she was already in a hospital, thought it was a fellowship or whichever beginner's practice term, which I took to mean she already got the paperwork transfered, and having seen her back home less than two years ago I considered her finished with that and now doing her trial year of practice. Later, while working on Hossy, I understood that they study medicine on the run, along with the stažing, and that they're shoving work on these students, to the extent there was now a law that they can't be made to work more than 80 hours a week and no more than 36 hours in one go. So I shouldn't be surprised too much with her response.

His real name was not Rich but rather Rista. He spoke with a very cultivated Belgrade accent - which, along with his overall demeanor, makes me think he's from an old city family. What we'd later call "high-ceilinged".

Mentions: 04-XI-1999., 02-I-2000., 15-V-2000., 17-V-2000., 13-XII-2003., Hossy, staž, zzzzz, in serbian