
Just emails going back and forth, it's a sunday.

Joška wishes Brlja to have fun for all of them; Pali amazed that all went by plan and he's got a 39° temperature. New year's wishes from Inge. And this from Emmy:

"Its over! Thank God. Hope you had a nice holiday and New Year. I worked through it, but I actually have today off. The Y2K stuff was and still is a rat's nest, but I think we can limp along until the new program and server arrive. The radio frequency stuff isn't working, the workers will have to write the the sku numbers down and someone else will have to enter them manually, but we expected that.

We've had nothing but problems with the new server - hardware/operating system mostly, which is beyond our control and the 3rd party programmers' control, so I doubt that it will get here until week after next. But for 2 weeks I've had to deal with a whining Pakistani whose voice drives me nuts. Since I realized we wouldn't get the stuff before the 1st, I've been working high speed on a VFP system to put into place if the old system totally crapped out. It looks really good - and I'm going to continue working on it since the main office likes the idea and so does my boss. They don't realize I'm writing it in VFP, but since it was an emergency situation, I figured I should just do it in the language I could develop in fastest."

Two messages from aman, some translation needed.

Go is still in Florida, with Larry.

Next day:

From Brlja's email home: „I'm accomodated at Greg's for sleeping at the moment. The man has a house somewhere in cuntville. There's 200-300 meters to the next neighbor, but then the nature is marvelous. It's only that they have two huge pooches which live with them in the house. Don't ask.“

Rich emailed his thanks for the NY greetings... all neat and polite. Nothing to write home about, except that his email is at @ieee.org. Wow. Greg told me to call some Natalie from Badell insurance about the car. I guess we were trying to squeeze some cash about the Poozhoe, but no such luck. We're still looking for a car.

Mentions: aman bre, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Goran Staković (Brlja), Greg Reubenthal, Inge tanti, Joška Apro, Larry Artois, Meagan Marburg (Emmy), Pali Bodor, Poozhoe, Rich Petrovich, in serbian