
To Délkút, that's the stamp in the passport. I have no clue what and in what order, there's no date anywhere in the code. Either nothing crucial happened, or it was all small stuff, not worth writing down a date.

But on the next day there's a opisstru.dbf, which is yet another meta table, this being meta meta, i.e. contains the description of other meta tables. That and OpisD.prg will be enough to build other tables that GenerAll uses. This is also when I made the first version of defg.prg, and a generator of distribution floppies.

On seventh I commented out the hungarian translations wherever Ileš edited unosc.prg. It will have to be solved differently, I have absolutely no wish to have separate versions for each language. Who'll synchronize them each time? The language must be defined outside of the app and apply across the board, should not be something to solve one routine at a time.

Mentions: defg.prg, Délkút, GenerAll, Ileš Notaroš, unosc.prg, in serbian