
(App, Yugoslavia)

My code generators and other tools for FPD2.6, when we didn't know that such things are called a framework. It did nearly every chore for you, you only needed to think what to do with it. The philosophy was "let the machine do the 90% of the physical work, so you have 90% of your time to do the hard stuff".

Truth be told, its first incarnation was based on the similar framework by Sale, but then during the crash and burn months of DBA I learned that he also developed a new framework, not based on that one. I had changed and changed it beyond recognition (few key tricks remained, and names of a few metadata tables, but in the end it was less than 1% of code that could trace its roots to his).

Once when I demoed it at its best, I created a little, completely runnable app with menus, one table, one form to enter data in it, one view form with incremental search, one report, backup and indexing utility in a total of 20 minutes, most of which were dedicated to explaining to the audience what I was doing.

At some point in, IIRC, 2003, I just gave the rights to the code to Avai, which was a grand hollow gesture. The DOS version of Fox was not going anywhere, and reworking GenerAll to VFP would be as easy as writing it from scratch - and there were other good frameworks already out there.

Some of the code remained in use to this day - alert.prg I still use a lot; did use the index generator for a while; the general method of driving menus from metadata was reapplied several times; and catal6 is still in use, v7 though, even the Dabo/Python version of Byo uses it (OK, not the fox version, a rewrite), and listall.prg was the base for many routines to push data from one database to another.

Mentions: 01-I-1994., 02-II-1994., 22-IV-1994., 01-V-1994., 07-V-1994., 08-V-1994., 31-V-1994., 05-VI-1994., 05-VII-1994., 12-VIII-1994., 16-VIII-1994., 23-VIII-1994., 22-IX-1994., 17-X-1994., 31-X-1994., 14-XI-1994., 30-XI-1994., 02-I-1995., 03-I-1995., 13-I-1995., 19-I-1995., 10-III-1995., 20-III-1995., 17-IV-1995., 24-IV-1995., 01-V-1995., 27-VII-1995., 23-VIII-1995., 06-IX-1995., 24-IX-1995., 25-II-1996., 28-II-1996., 29-VII-1996., 24-XI-1996., 03-VI-1997., 27-VIII-1997., 13-XII-1997., 16-IV-1998., 09-VI-1998., 19-VIII-1998., 01-IX-1998., 15-IV-2000., 15-VIII-2000., 09-VI-2001., 18-XII-2001., 12-XII-2009., 10-I-2010., 15-III-2013., Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), alert.prg, assets app, Avai, Byo (Byo), catal6, DBA, defg.prg, fox, genHlp, homemade, listall.prg, PolC, setkey.prg, TaxiSys, unosc.prg, upitig2.prg, in serbian

30-VIII-2011 - 11-IX-2023