
To Gemenc, but I have no clue what was going on exactly then. Among the zips found there is nothing with a date between 8th and 19th. There's only some report for Ledinje on 8th.

Probably this week we started live tests of DentoSys, in a practice somewhere at ground floor of a novogradnja near park downtown, and the other in Gemenc, same dentist, upper ground floor, last room on the left. The lady was a real cannonball, not so fat but just huge, nothing thin on her. Her ankles were larger than others' knees, but they say she had an easy hand. Her assistant was a tiny ugly thing, bug eyed, belly out but not pregnant, almost no jaw but with a micromini skirt which successfuly diverted the eye. While we were buzzing around the PC, the big lady had a patient, a really cute girl in milky white stockings (at this heat!) and a dopičnjak, even shorter than the assistant's... whoa! This is when we started noticing that the average girl in this city is cute above average, mostly with fine bust and nicely shaped butt. Then we expressed our admiration to the aborigines (around the office) and they agreed with us, yes they know about it, it's the local wine that does it. Nope, it's walking up and down the hills, combined with flatlander food. And the wine. Whatever it was, Joška summed it with "first they grow tits, then permanent teeth next".

The other nice thing about testing there was that she had patients and had to do them first, then use DentoSys to record the event, to see how it goes, and we tried to stay out of the way (what could we do, me with my tarzan hungarian and Joška with none spoken), the app should be obvious to a novice user, so we spent lots of time waiting to see how it went - which we spent on the little terrace at the end of the hall, where smoking was permitted.

My sick leave expired by the end of last month, and I agreed with DBA to quit after using up my vacation, which was this whole month. Which means I didn't go to work since end of may. The last thing I did was some small internal cash app for LebarProm, where they handled small loans and gasoline chits for drivers. This piece of junk was buggy, every now and then something would happen with it, obviously I did it on the rough and tried to be quick & dirty. I think the last field visit while in DBA was about that.

Few months later I still expected that anytime a hand would fall on my shoulder and drag me there to fix up the mess, because nobody knows what I was doing there, nobody ever took a look, and it'd have to break somewhere really soon. However, I met their liaison guy at some point, and just had a chat with him, and I managed to sneak a reference to that app into the conversation, how's it going, really? Oh, just fine, said he, no problems, it runs ringing all the way.

Had I known that my leaving DBA would fix all the problems in that app, I would have done that much earlier.

Mentions: DBA, DentoSys, dopičnjak, Gemenc, Gemenc Polyclinic, Joška Apro, LebarProm, Ledinje, novogradnja, in serbian