
(App, Hungary)

The dental office app sold by Szoftex.

The initial version was written in Clipper, by Joška, and shown to DBA at some point between, IIRC, september 1992 and spring 1993, to which Sale later said (not to my face), "we don't need no tooth illustrators".

In 1994, it was the starting point of my employment in Szoftex, but after just a couple of months I dragged Joška in to redo the whole thing in fox. Same summer it was installed on a few test places in Gemenc (one downtown, one in the polyclinic). Then we made it floppable (i.e. something that can generate a distribution floppy or two) and it sold a few dozen around Hungary. Not the expected hundreds.

Mentions: 01-V-1994., 07-V-1994., 08-V-1994., 20-VI-1994., 28-VI-1994., 12-VII-1994., 03-X-1994., 18-XII-1994., 30-I-1995., 08-V-1995., 20-V-1995., 16-VI-1995., 17-VII-1995., 19-VIII-1998., Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), DBA, fox, Gemenc, Joška Apro, Szoftex, in serbian