
To Gemenc. A week ago we started working on PolC. The week before we just drew, mostly the organizational scheme, what goes where, and first arrived at the data scheme, what's where in tables. We put nothing on paper (ok, disk) until we had the atom, the elementary record, what is the base piece of information, what is the event, what the document of the event. We got something that we named a session (and put in seshn.dbf), which is the stay of the patient in the office, and the items in that event are all the things we found or did. So then we could define the elements of that - where (which office in which ward, which lab etc), who were the personae dramatis (doctor, patient, assistant, nurses, up to four of them). For diagnoses we dug out of somewhere the ninth revision of the WHO's list (the ICD codes, which they called BNO locally, which probably means WHO - N for nemzetközi, nation-between-ly), and for opcodes (for stuff done) the social security (i.e. health insurance) list... and ran into a problem right there. Because even the (already quite powerful) catal6 couldn't be of much help searching through such huge lists (6300 diagnoses, 6700 opcodes), so we had to reduce that to manageable, by having each doctor pick his own list out of the big list, with records he really uses.

That was the starting point, and on 2nd of august I started drawing first masks (i.e. forms), the base ones - wards, offices, doctors, diagnose list, selection into personal shortlist, and other surrounding salad that had to be done before moving to main dish - the patients' table, session table(s) and the waiting room.

Of course, we'll need the postal numbers, which follows me for eight years and won't stop. In case of Hungary, it's actually more fucked up than usual, because the postal number is not unique - in some cases one number covers two or three neighboring villages. It's four-digit, and in some cases they added the fifth digit, e.g. Sátolya, Kisfalva and Sárdomb may all be 1234, and may be 12341, 12345 and 12348. It's not 1:1 at all - one place can have two numbers (or more, if Budapest), one number may have more than one place, which hugely complicated things. We may try to regulate the reality by programming, but it will always find a way to shit into our work.

On weekend, amazingly, I found nothing in my achives. Must have been at home, with family. I dislike that I have very few photos from the time, and also have very little of other records, so I practically don't know what went on at home, except as I remember in general terms. Which I've already found to be unreliable. Those weekends so flew by, unnoticed and unrecorded, yet precious. Wasn't easy.

We did some house work at Avai this weekend, I see that for Ledinje I generated a routine for cases when the user doesn't know the postal number of a place (using catal6, of course) for... whomever, a customer, supplier. And yet I also generated something with version 3 this week (!).

On 10th we already had a defg.prg for PolC, what with "Rendelőintézet" (polyclinic) in the title.

Mentions: Avai, catal6, defg.prg, Gemenc, Ledinje, PolC, in serbian