
(App, Hungary)

The Gemenc app I wrote while working for Szoftex. Wrote it in about seven months (while still working on the GenerAll framework). At its peak, it ran about 40 workstations under a Novell 4.03 network. First it was 4.01, which had some buggy driver and it crashed my tables several times, as the server (Acer altos, one of early Pentiums) would report "parity error" (which the HW guys in Szoftex would pronounce in hungarian, prefixed with "mi a kutya fasza" - "what the dog's dick").

Mentions: 09-VIII-1994., 23-VIII-1994., 22-IX-1994., 10-X-1994., 17-X-1994., 24-X-1994., 31-X-1994., 14-XI-1994., 30-XI-1994., 18-XII-1994., 03-I-1995., 19-I-1995., 30-I-1995., 06-II-1995., 10-II-1995., 20-II-1995., 22-II-1995., 06-III-1995., 01-V-1995., 08-V-1995., 09-V-1995., 24-IX-1995., 09-XI-1995., 11-I-1996., 07-II-1996., 25-II-1996., 10-IV-1996., 06-V-1996., 19-VIII-1998., 27-XII-2008., 11-II-2014., 12-VII-2021., 11-I-2023., altos, Gemenc Polyclinic, GenerAll, Szoftex, in serbian