
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

The term is a deviation from, or 2nd derivation of, the term "folk" (as in music), which hits the substantial definition of this kind of music. Translates as folksian, or folksistic music.

It's second hand, heavily commercialized, initially based on but soon and widely veering away from source folk music. It steals anything that may sell - string arrangements, muslim-style ullulations, greek rhythms, mexican trumpets, rock rhythm section. It begins with traditional instruments and ends up on synthesizers and rhythm machines.

Mostly, worthless crap. Sturgeon's percentage has several nines.

Not limited to Yugoslavia, either. I've heard the same kind of crap in country-western, mexican, georgian, you name it. Gypsy kings is perhaps the narodnjak of the spanish guitar.

Turbo folk is the term coined by Antonije Pušić, aka Rambo Amadeus, to describe its variant of the nineties and later, when they started stealing more from the current pop music - started using synthesizers, the singer girls had to show more tit and butt and thigh than talent etc.

Mentions: 15-VI-1967., 31-XII-1969., 22-III-1970., 11-IV-1976., 29-IV-1987., 30-I-1995., 14-XII-1995., 28-III-1997., 03-VI-1997., july 1999., 17-V-2001., 26-IX-2010., 27-III-2011., 24-IX-2016., 22-XI-2016., 29-VIII-2017., 25-XI-2017., 23-IX-2022., to Divčibare, 02-X-2023., 05-II-2024., 26-V-2024., 31-V-2024., debelaMačka, Kantina, in serbian

16-XI-2019 - 10-IX-2023