
Lena and Milan came to lunch, as is the habit now, including the long nap afterwards. I must have been a bit under the weather (november is just depressing here) because this time I didn't wake up before them.

Boba waiting for  *** нема ги падеж _IvanaLevnajić овди *** to return; Silvija on the right, from behind

Boba waiting for *** нема ги падеж _IvanaLevnajić овди *** to return; Silvija on the right, from behind

Then we all went to the nearby Bečkerek, where Silvija and Dragan were holding a common birthday party for their kids (Jagoda is 5 and Milan is 1 now... within two weeks). The kids were also baptized in the afternoon, but we don't do religion, so we skipped that and went straight to the party, the restaurant is just two blocks from here. Wouldn't call it a tavern, it's all gray, brushed metal and etched glass, as sterile as it gets. Good cook, though.

The usual - overly loud turbo folk (v. narodnjaci) band (with just the keyboardist and female singer), at least they played some 20 minutes of regular 80/90s pop when we arrived. The brandy, allegedly quince, was unconvincing, the taste was too strong and kind of forced, even dad's best never went that far, most probably some additive. Food, plenty - just when we were about full, they refilled the ovals with more meat. The folks from Kladovo were there in full numbers: kum with parents (the serbian Enron equivalent) and his wife-to-be, Dragan's parents, brother with wife and kids, even a sister-by-uncle with husband, a really cute girl. Višnja was also present, actually set right across, but we didn't even make proper eye contact, less talk. Out of 150+ photos I made, she was on two - once from behind. Her diet seems to work, just as wrong as it did last year. She's getting her hands and legs thinner, not the trunk...

Boba and Milena were looking their best. She was as likable as it gets, almost seducing the camera, to the point where I started avoiding any proximity, to avert any wrong moves I may be tempted to make. There was a long chat between him, Lena and Milan by the door to the rear hall, about... I guess why wouldn't Boba be a programmer after all, accentuated by Milan's toothache, for which he held a hand on his cheek most of the times, making for more photos which looked like acted, staged.

I and Arpi

I and Arpi

Arpi agreed to share a špricer (a kilo and kilo, but we got a 0,5 with whole liter of mineral water). After one glass, he switched to beer - the wine was too sweet for him. It was a tad sweet, but not too much. Well, tastes. At least this is the first of their parties over the last five years where we managed to get drunk. Well, almost, we added a couple of glasses when we got home - she had beer, I had Žarko's honeywine.

(... 209 words...)

Mentions: 24-I-2019., I sing, Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Bečkerek, Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Dragan Umljanić, Jagoda Umljanić, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), kum, Milan Nastić, Milan Umljanić, Milena Požarić, narodnjaci, Silvija Umljanić, špricer, Višnja, Žarko Zarin, in serbian