
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

A complicated card game, played mostly in my city. It's actually a set of six to eight games, scored together. Since the position matters (who plays first in each game), to make things even, all of them are played four times, with the role of the dealer passed round (your right is your next). It's played with 32 cards, seven to ace.

The extra two games were allegedly invented by Vanji, Eči and the gang from their class.

Mentions: 01-IX-1970., and the rest of the week, 01-XII-1972., 01-I-1973., 01-XI-1973., 02-VII-1975., 05-VII-1975., 08-VIII-1993., 30-XI-2001., 04-VI-2007., 04-IX-2009., Endre Felbab (Eči), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian