Višnja Dubajić

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Some time during the first year of DBA, she was the IT boss at a medical/veterinary wholesale enterprise. As they didn't have much in terms of IT, perhaps six or seven machines (actually a lot at the time), it was OK that she was so young. She did have a way to charm anyone, even on the phone, so both Vanji and me were rather courteous. She expressed a liking to men with beards, which ended up with Grgi growing up one and they were then a couple, for a couple of years IIRC.

Turns out he wasn't quite sure whether he'd want to get married, and he wasn't the sports guy he was when they met - stopped training, grew fat - so their ways parted. She later switched jobs a couple of times, first to some infrastructure maintenance enterprise, then something else, and eventually founded her own computer school, at about the same time Gradek created the other. They developed different profiles so not directly competing.

She then married to some guy and the last time I saw her was 31-XII-1998.. Her school is now (2020) ungooglable, can't find it. There are a few such schools now so she may have sold, or joined a bigger company, who'd know.

Mentions: april 1992., 20-X-1997., 31-XII-1998., 25-X-2014., Atila Gereg (Grgi), DBA, Gradinka Peretić (Gradek), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian

17-XII-2013 - 30-VI-2024