Sima (Simon Buchs)

(Person, USA)

A Jewish scholar of sorts - frequently vanishes to study in his invisible corner - wearing the proper black suit, beard, linen shirt, trouser legs tucked in socks, etc etc, supposedly the network guy and hardware guru of the office. Generally I could rely on him that whatever I tell him to do won't be done (I guess I'm just a goy) until it becomes entirely necessary, or if the alternative is that I get there and do it on a saturday.

But then when they were late paying me for the odd jobs I did, I would only need pull his sleeve (via email) and the check would soon arrive.

The nickname applied only in our internal family talk.

Mentions: 24-VIII-2004., 07-VII-2005., 04-XI-2005., 10-V-2007., Freedom!, 02-VIII-2007., 06-VIII-2007., 11-X-2007., UniJewel, in serbian