
Since three days ago we switched to 15 liters of milk a week. There's eleven of us in the house now.

Another lovely day, spent mostly outside, doing small work in the back yard (bundling sticks left over when that thick branch of walnut broke last year, or was it year before), playing with the twins, making more delightful photos of the six children around the house. Though Neša is the tough customer here, having switched back to his 26-to-28 hour days, so he goes to bed before lunch and wakes up for dinner, then stays at the keyboard all night, mostly watching (((blippy))) and playing roblox or whatever. The home network, the same old (ok, sort of new) router from Telekom is still holding out.

Anita is quite a bundle, trying to get Stanley's attention as often and as long as possible. Today they went to two playgrounds (at the beginning of our street and at the community center, which is altogether a 2,5km trip - she in a stroller, though). And another one ended at 23:00, another big walk.

Alphonse is writing a novel, and while it's about a girl and her twenty years of pursuit of a dream, it's mostly about UT and all that went on on it and around it over the years. There's a scene near the end whereby the guy (the book is autobiographical by nature) invites the major actors who were there from the beginning. So I'm invited to it and he wants to use my real name. I gracefully declined and offered him a bunch of other names to freely combine from, and told him also what's his name in this book.

Yesterday, on UA, old fox reminisces:

I was somewhat disappointed with all the inconsistencies when hosting a COM object (out of VFP's focus model, the .object reference now present now absent, now optional now mandatory, hidden interfaces, documentation sparse or absent, class name of ocx unrelated to filename, hidden dlls not mentioned in documentation, bla bla bla), but at times had to do this and managed to do a lot with it. Even today I see the common controls from 1998 in use (common dialog, rtf, listview, treeview...). Used even Chilkat for ftp for a number of years, and several others.

The worst disappointment was the Office automation. Not because it's inconsistent, memory hungry, slow or clumsy (it is all of that), it's that it's a house on sand. Whatever you do may not work with the next version. I have VFP code, parts of which were written in 1989, which still works. Most of the automation code had to be reworked over and over, because of this particular type of software rot.

The most surprising use of COM is the one time I had to instantiate vfp.application from vfp. It's a setup builder which first builds several vfp projects into exes, then calls Inno setup to package it all. Well, the shared components were the problem - I can't build an executable from inside an app which has some files in common with the project built. But a separate instance of vfp doesn't have that problem, so I used COM to run and automate that instance. Works perfectly for almost ten years now.

Just to be clear, the last paragraph is about upFeds.

Switching to 3x5 liters of milk a week.

Mentions: Alphonse D'Alchembert, Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), fox, Nenad Berger (Neša), Stanley Berger, UbiquAgora (UA), upFeds, in serbian