
The cats had a champions breakfast this morning, caught a pigeon (actually a gugutka, which is what we call the street/field pigeons). We found just feathers at the bottom of the terrace stairs.

Amazingly, managed to get all the kids up on time and get to Lena's place when the sun was just setting - around 16:00. Drove through dusk to Delta City (yes, that's the exact name of the mall, engrbian requires very little translation), where it was, of course, quite crowded, it being a saturday. We didn't go for any shopping but went straight (some maneuvering with the van on the 4th floor of the garage...) to the gaming outlet, where Raja finally overcame his fear of 3d goggles and dived right into it. And the thing isn't expensive, about 1€ for ten minutes. Nina just bought tokens for half an hour, of which he used 19 minutes... making virtual sandwiches and cocktails, the game being "on the job". He did put the sandwich upside down, blender on the toaster, pickle jar in mirko... but it was fun. We took some of the leftover time to peek into the goggles, and it was as expected, very realistic and technically correct stereography, with no wide-angle swim, no nauseous effects, somewhat low-rez and with all surfaces too smooth - the fridge's edges were sharp, not rounded as on a real fridge, olives were exactly spherical etc, but all in all I could bend over the door and peek inside the fridge - it followed movements of my head correctly.

Then went to the same Pitch as we ever do and had a nice dinner. The girls weren't too much of a hassle to handle - didn't spill the white pebbles from the entrance, didn't pull tablecloths down (as they did few months ago). Even the tablet shortage was no problem (Raja's original tablet died a few months ago; he used the kitty/kiddy tablet (it's the former, but I keep hearing the latter) until a couple of weeks ago and now he's borrowing one of the girls' Huaweis).

We delivered a whole slab of bacon and 90 eggs (as a greeting to Milan who went on running, having fun with Api). The parking around their building now becoming a problem, instead of waiting for her to go up, leave the provisions and come down with all the totes that remained in her hands, I drove down to the garage line, which is their basement level. She went up while I drove to the other end where I could turn (no problem, I'm getting the hang of maneuvering the beast even in the night), and a few minutes later she was back with the totes. Meanwhile, one secundant was doing his rounds. The secondary materials guy, with a classic tricycle (a 1x1,4m board with bicycle wheels to the side, plus a regular bicycle minus front wheel attached behind) was gathering cardboard. There are others who gather plastic bottles.

BTW, the van was at the repair tuesday to friday, where they took down the rear right tyre, smeared the wheel heavy with the black goo (ground rubber dissolved in gasoline) and then put it back. It was leaking on the wheel, i.e. the surface wasn't smooth enough anymore. Since these are its last tyres, I don't care if it becomes a problem to unmount them next time - there may be no next time.

Mentions: Api, engrbian, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Milan Nastić, mirko, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Pitch kettle, Ryu (Raja), in serbian