27-VII-2010.: Johan!

The whole mess is on the terrace.

The whole mess is on the terrace.

The tankless water heater was mounted on 19th, however the guy didn't want to touch the wires, so we had to find an electrician. He knew someone near the community centre, and I went there and found the guy. He came and did the connections meticulously... or was just stupid, I don't know, it took him rather long and I saw him counting stuff, his lips slightly moving, checking things three times... Seems to have been not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Eventually he got it to work and that was it. (Later, we wanted to hire the same guy to fix some other things but he broke his heel, having fallen off the ladder somewhere)

Johan (albeit a day later, the best shot)

Johan (albeit a day later, the best shot)

Along the way we, in passing, asked if he knew someone who has an extra male kitten. Lena wanted to have one, and while we didn't have a good reason to refuse, we were adamant at the highlander stance that "there can be only one". The guy said his sister got one. He brought it the same evening, and it was quite cute. We called it ***_JOHANA:F***... though without the final "a" at first. Sure, it turned out to be a female, but for the whole time until spring we thought it was a male. Lovely fuzzy tabby cat, playful and, thankfully, learned fast that his is the yard and ours is the house.

The furniture is on the terrace, waiting for the upholsterer to finish. The couches and armchairs he took to his shop; for these Simpo things he just took the cushions' measures and will make new ones from the cloth we bought.

On 29th, long staff meeting in Firriver, plus more discussion until 23:00. I did sign off at around 16:00, I'm on CET now. I see that Richard has problems installing Feds on his laptop... Didn't follow instructions, didn't install runtimes. Interesting discussion on what does 'doctor' mean in Feds - because there are at least four kinds of them. There's the treating doctor, the patient's regular MD, the specialist who sent her and various outside specialists. And inside the app they aren't on the same list, except sometimes...

More security insanity - SFBC has a new server, and they complain why are we late to help them with migration. Well, for starters, they could have allowed Jan to access the server. If it leaks, maam, at least unlock the door when the plumber comes.

Setting up the translation thingy with David's girl, who's supposed to translate all the strings into italian.

On 30th, I closed the account at the bank. Lifted my 400$ that I had deposited as seed, goodbye. David tried to send me my salary, but just couldn't. The account doesn't have a proper Swift code, it goes via a proxy in Austria (the franchiser, namely) and the app he uses for payments has no clue about proxies and auxiliary dependant codes. So it's simply a no go, I can't get paid through a bank here. No bank has its own Swift code, they all go through proxies in other countries.

I see I smoked the Classic.

I see I smoked the Classic.

In the afternoon I had a sudden visit - Željko came by, from Cyprus, to a little vacation. We met at the bus station, then walked to the nearest café, which was two blocks away, across from the cemetery, by Braca's kiosk (and was previously owned by his son). Had a long chat, a few beers, all cool.

In the end he tried to get off early, claiming the last bus to his village would be off soon. So what, take a cab. It costs a pittance here... shouldn't be more than 1500 RSD to there... well just make a phone call and ask. And so he did, and so it was. I think we got to the third beer. Well, that would count as two beers, these beers nowadays are 2/3 of the regular size.

Dad's vineyard neighbor, mentioned on 01-VIII-2007., dropped by around this time, to see the terrace roof and what can be done with it. The trouble is that he didn't even knock, just went through the garage and appeared on the terrace. We didn't really listen to what he has to say, the talk was quickly finished, and that was the last we saw of him. I guess dad gave him a chance to repay the 1000€, which never happened.

Mentions: 01-VIII-2007., Braca, David Berton, Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Richard Fauntlerault, SFBC, translation, Željko Nikolović, in serbian