Firriver (Firriver Fertility)

(Place, tavern, firm, Canada)

The ragtag outfit which churns highly complex Fox code, in the form of a fertility clinic app. Spread across continents; headquarters in Toronto, some other quarters in London, Netherlands, India and my desk. I'm working with this gang since february 2007.

Owned by David*; his brother Daniel came in later. Jan is the main programmer, tech support split between Norman, Suez, Hana, Laura and Das and later also Geoff. By some serendipity we added Nina around june 2012.

During my time with this team, we lost two good guys - James and Oliver. Dutch office was expanded with Jan's brother, then Kees, Inge and one more guy.

Around 2017 and later there were larger changes in the team. Hana was ditched (wasn't working much for it, but had another job and got into some obscure cult), Ralph advanced from just a part time accountant into a CFO+HR+who knows what else, allegedly he invested some money in the company (but why, oh why, did they feel they needed the money? just greed?), so he brought in Briyesh, who then brought Jevgenij and a bunch of guys in the Toronto team, whose names I didn't even have time to memorize, as they didn't communicate much with the rest...

Time to leave the party was end of july 2019 for me, october for Nina. In november I heard Jan complain a lot - the new servers are close to two years of being set up and they are still not usable, his complaints get resolved eventually after a few months... generally, the wild came and shooed the tame away.


* actually, his father and a friend of his were the majority owners; Jan had some minor percentage

Mentions: A word from the author, 10-II-2007., 21-II-2007., 22-II-2007., 09-III-2007., 10-IV-2007., 20-VII-2007., 30-VII-2007., 02-VIII-2007., 15-X-2007., 03-I-2008., 14-VIII-2008., 10-IX-2008., 13-II-2009., 23-II-2009., 12-V-2009., 16-V-2009., 24-VI-2009., 27-VI-2009., 06-XI-2009., 08-XII-2009., 13-IV-2010., 30-VI-2010., 08-VII-2010., 12-VII-2010., 21-VII-2010., 27-VII-2010., Johan!, 16-IX-2010., 13-X-2010., 03-XI-2010., 12-XII-2010., 02-IX-2011., 09-IX-2011., 01-X-2011., 07-X-2011., 24-I-2012., 23-IV-2012., 18-V-2012., 04-IX-2012., 18-I-2013., 14-IX-2013., 18-IX-2013., His first steps, 12-XI-2013., 25-XII-2013., 12-IV-2014., 21-IV-2014., 29-VIII-2014., The friday off, 13-X-2014., Blackmailed by the google, 01-V-2015., 03-VIII-2015., 25-IX-2015., 15-X-2015., 04-XII-2015., 24-XII-2015., 19-I-2016., laptop batteries, 08-III-2016., 25-III-2016., june 2016., 12-VIII-2016., 03-IX-2016., 18-X-2016., They are here, 06-XII-2016., 15-III-2017., 26-VII-2017., 03-IX-2017., 15-IX-2017., 30-X-2017., 02-XI-2017., 05-II-2018., 21-III-2018., 27-III-2018., 17-IV-2018., 28-IV-2018., 02-V-2018., 03-V-2018., 28-V-2018., 05-VI-2018., 06-VI-2018., 08-VI-2018., 12-VI-2018., 20-VI-2018., 03-VIII-2018., 20-VIII-2018., New translation server, 15-X-2018., 07-II-2019., 22-II-2019., 04-III-2019., 25-III-2019., 11-IV-2019., 22-IV-2019., 10-V-2019., 28-VII-2019., Unofficially retired, 29-VII-2019., 17-IX-2019., Brandy course, 02-X-2019., 20-X-2019., 15-XI-2019., 04-III-2020., 16-III-2020., 20-IV-2021., 07-VI-2021., 25-III-2022., 11-I-2023., 22-III-2023., 04-I-2024., asrm, Briyesh Dupta, Bruce Stanley, ClockWorker, Daniel Berton, David Berton, Empyria, Feds, FedsRx, Geoff Gearney, George Whiteley, Hana Burberry, Harry McDouglas, Inge Brandlicht, James Olsen, Jan Brenkelen, Jeanie, Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Jiang Wong, Karl Poulain, Kees de Cock, Lab Intro, Laura O'Hare, LI agent, Mohandas Raj (Das), nanovo, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), Norman Shen, Oliver Byford, Operation Zone53, Prasad Gorbeau (Grbo), Ralph Rotnik, setkey.prg, SFBC, sGradlj, Suez Lima, THC, translation, upFeds, zmajček, in serbian