
Spent a couple of hours in the afternoon just chopping wood for heating.

Raja is now using a clothes peg as a weapon.

In the evening we went to dinner, to banatskakuća. While we were getting ready to go, I made this incredible shot. During the exposure, Ender got into the car; the inside light was on. Then he inserted the key and the inside light was off, but he switched on the headlights. And I somehow got exactly the amount of light from the street lights, inside lights, headlights. And didn't even shake it too much. One of the fifty shots in the "once in a lifetime" category.

This is Braca's kiosk - I could shoot around while Ender was driving. Lena was with us.

We were now considered some kind of regular guests, because our unusual setup was easy to remember. We'll do more of this and really earn the status. For some reason we didn't order any soup or gulaš, but that was rectified a few days later (and on 19th of january, before this and right after that free dinner at kaštel), when Ender insisted we go again. The big plate with mixed barbecue was matched only with the plate with diverse winter salad.

Raja ate only fries, but managed to use a fork. He mostly ran around the place, as there was only one more table occupied.

Mentions: banatskaKuća, Braca, Ender Aquila (Ender), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), kaštel, Ryu (Raja), in serbian