Paige S Stevenson

(Person, USA)

A fellow foxer. We chatted a lot on UA even before our coming to the US. Then it turned out we were in the neighborhood, and as he was previously showing some of the tricks he picked from me online, he was now able to say „and now the guy is right here“.

He'd offload some of the work on me from time to time, sometimes a lot at once, and then we'd be incommunicado for months. A quaker, but we never talked religion. Divorced, lived in a 'mobile' home (mobile in the sense that it's brought on a truck and placed on concrete supports, I doubt it would withstand being transported twice), and then bought a bigger house.

Looks pretty much as David Bowie would, ten years later.

Mentions: 12-IX-2001., 28-X-2001., 07-III-2004., 05-VII-2004., 15-X-2004., 05-XII-2004., 05-II-2005., 04-VI-2006., 04-VII-2006., 10-II-2007., 17-II-2007., 10-IV-2007., 03-VI-2007., 24-VI-2007., 03-IX-2007., 17-IX-2009., the.log, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian