
Long chat with David about images in the app. The receipt of a sale should be scanned, and we should somehow associate the image with the sale. The trouble is keeping that association, as multiple sales could go with the same image, and also the user should be able to enter the filename (ouch), and that file would possibly go to his c: drive while the app would be running through Citrix. It became complicated immediately.

At 13:08 I vanished from the chat, came back at 14:05- "this took long... I just dropped across the street to pay my last rent.

had to wait so long... they are incredible. I'm so happy it's the last.“.

Been communicating with some guy with a french name, who works for Gary, something about picking which artists were from north and which from the south California. The location is definitely not attached to the person, we don't have it. Tried to define these statistically, as per where they appeared the most, but it led to too many false results, and Gary told me to blank the field.

I notice that the email from my parents went to my address at Berix's server. Wow.

For the big holliday weekend we were at Winterhill. The distance being almost 200 miles, it's the Appalachies, I fried another mrz (v. house dictionary) CD, and with the current player having not-so-random playlist, I wrote a piece of script which would rename the selected files into something beginning with eight random digits. So okay, it would again be two playlists (by these numbers or the other order, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 etc... you get the picture how stupid the algorithm was), so at least it didn't play them alphabetically.

I was doing some work for Paige, to connect the Hitachi phone switch with the server. (first I thought I did the Hitachi interface this time, but no, that was back in march... no shots, no camera - as Nina took the Agfa, so... moving that to the new article, for 07-III-2004.). Or I got the specs then and made that drawing, and this time we had the manual and actually got it done.

The main users are at the reception desk, away from the actual center of the compound, and the staff rotates often. Nobody I got acquainted with last time was present this time.

We shared an apartment with his son and some kid cousin... um, make it his ex-wife's stepdaughter (a tenuous relationship if I ever heard one, but then he's a quaker or some such thing so trying to do good wherever he can); had a huge room for ourselves. The apartment is about 150 square meters, the bathroom is spaceous, there's a 1,5x3m space in the middle. Luckily, we had separate TV sets, because the kids were watching the stupidest cartoons possible. My girls were watching movies and the garden and house decoration channels, learning dozen effective cheap tricks, which we'll need soon.

I was mostly working with him; she and Lena enjoyed the swimming pool and whatnot. No pictures, Nina took the Agfa with her. We came back on the 4th, in the afternoon, just about time to enjoy the fireworks. The roads were nearly empty, as everyone went where they wanted on friday, and wouldn't drive back until the fireworks were over. And there's the good side of living in a resort: when we drive out for a weekend, the crowd is going in the other direction; likewise on return. So we weren't in a hurry, and visited Go and Ricardo both times.

The pic is of dad at his vineyard, coming to pick Nina and Danilo and ferry them across. This is exactly how it always looked - I rowed that boat so many times. Nina arrived there on 2nd, slept at times at my parents' place, once at Zana's. She met aunt Milica, who was also visiting. She sent only sparingly worded emails, so not to use too much of their subscription (over dial-up connection, still).

On UA, someone mentioned MTV, who said he wanted to be a lawyer. My response

I thought he became one already... there was a message recently. He got accepted into a toolbar, coolbar or some other bar, if I'm not mistaken.

Which sort of made me curious how come he's got so much time to come here and beat on empty hay (Serbian expression, which may have lost some in translation), when he should be busy with all the cases he has to attack or defend.

In other news, Sony Walkman was NOT renamed into Walkperson.

With Nina:

Yesterday we decided to splash into the pool, but the morons closed the pool, allegedly because of main tennancy. Passed today and still nothing, nobody there, nothing doing. Okay, can't do pool, can do beach. Well, holiday parking schedule, can't do by the school, they tow anything they see parked until 18:00 (that's yesterday, on 6th), and it was around 17:40. So we went home to get some cash, barely gathered five dollars (probably lost around ten when we visited Go on return from Winterhill) and went to the 9th street garage. The same one where we parked when we looked for a hotel three years ago. The tarrif is 3 dollars for first half hour, 5 first whole hours, 8 for more than that and... ahm... aha, there, 5$ flat fee after 17:00 (okay, that's what we have) and, hey, „locals 1$“. Ha!

The beach is much better there, away from the „center“ between 17th to 26th street, the hotels are somewhat less storeyed and the cerberi made themselves scarce. The sand is more steep, so you don't have to wade that far to get into deep, and even the water smells more sea-like.

When we showered and returned, went to Borders, and bought a bunch of books - one for „do it all around the house yourself“, one about flowers, one about floors, japanese cookbook, japanese dictionary, and initial japanese textbook. Lena is studying it big time, except when she's playing.

We're all waving to you... greetings to all you meet.

Mentions: 07-III-2004., 10-IX-2008., Agfa, aunt Milica, Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), Danilo, David Krakovski, Gary Brandywine, Gorana Sredljević (Go), house dictionary, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), MTV, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Paige S Stevenson, Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), Suzana Injački (Zana), UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian