
Nina's birthday was a few days ago, but on our side we managed to gather only today. Dad ordered another cake from Brižita, who managed to draw one letter upside down, of which Go took a few shots.

Lena and Zlija also came. Of him, I caught this in flagranti shot.

Neša ate soup. The kid has a healthy appetite.

All in all a good birthday in absentia, and of course Neša was the star. Lena and Zlija spent some quality time with johana's kittens. At least the guy knows how to hold a kitten.

The next day we went to visit oma in that home on Bagljaš. She livened up noticeably, though still rather absentmindedly. This could be the time when that episode with her meds happened - they invited a specialist from the hospital, probably as a tezga, to come and check on their residents, and he prescribed her some trank, while most probably being paid by the manufacturer on the side. The reason for the trank was her previous habit of getting lost - she'd walk to the supermarket and then couldn't find her home, because the house on the corner was repainted differently, and she lost her bearings. This time she had more of the same, with hallucinations. She looked up the med and found that, among other side effects, „it may lead to hallucinations“. Nice. Then, upon her insistence, they weaned her off it, and she got back to normal soon. The monthly dose of it cost 5000 dinars, which is quarter of her retirement.

Then went to Arpi's. They were all there - Jagoda above all, so the two babies met and got to know each other. Of course, Dragan and Silvija were there, and so was Boba. Višnja wasn't seen much, she was buzzing around the kitchen and appeared on the shots only out on the street, as we parted.

On 5th she put Neša on her bike, and we rode around the 'hood. I made lots of shots, and despite often checking the shots as I made them, I didn't notice that his left shoe fell off. We noticed when we came back. Then checked the shots better, and found where we were between the last one with two shoes and the first shot with one. Drove straight there and found it - right in front of the customs office.

In the evening he also took a turn at cuddling the kittens. Kids just love anything soft and moving.

On sixth they unpacked the projector and put it on my sidetable (the one from 1979). Stanley caught it at work, when they were selling discardable equipment, for just 50$ - it cost 2000$ new. Over time that projector will show Maša and the bear, and Mr Bean (the cartoon, not feature).

We were picking cherries in Čankovo.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Čankovo, Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Dragan Umljanić, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Ilija Ćirilov (Zlija), Jagoda Umljanić, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Nenad Berger (Neša), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), oma, Silvija Umljanić, Stanley Berger, tezga, Višnja, in serbian