frendz parti

(Translation, Yugoslavia)

A series of sittings, starting in january 2020 and continuing, where we two, Dragana and Borko taste one of our brandies, and then there's some snack (initially, soon full dinners), and switch to roze wine. Seldom it occurs that there's a different drink, even an occasional beer.

We do it in rounds - we begin a cycle, then next time it's at Dragana's, then Borko, then us again. At first we did it on fridays, while he was still working, then we paused during the coronary curfew, then switched to mondays - which somehow felt easier on everybody and extended the weekends on both ends.

We made long pauses - in the first years we'd usually do three or four rounds, then take a month or two off. There's also the regular september break, when IV5pp and IV4 have their maturski. Year 2023. made for a longer break, because the year started on wrong foot - he'd often play music from his phone, or hold a lecture, or tell the same thing fourth time, while she mostly abstained from drinks, she'd have one shot of brandy and one glass of wine and then yawned as early as around 23, so we thinned it out, the last cycle took half a year.

The name was hung by Linda and Sanda, when we once explained to them that friends are coming and we'll have a party, and they just put the two words together. I wrote this article and inserted the links in the text on 5th-6th december 2023, after the 99th party, but then it looks like there were only 79 or 89 of them so far, I miscounted somewhere along the way. That's a programmer doing something manually.

Mentions: 17-I-2020., First frendz parti, 24-I-2020., 31-I-2020., 07-II-2020., 21-II-2020., 28-II-2020., 07-III-2020., 15-V-2020., 22-V-2020., 01-VI-2020., 04-VII-2020., 13-VII-2020., 21-VII-2020., 28-VII-2020., 21-IX-2020., 28-IX-2020., 06-X-2020., 20-X-2020., 09-XI-2020., 24-XII-2020., 18-I-2021., 01-II-2021., 13-II-2021., Tworthday, 01-III-2021., 03-III-2021., 02-IV-2021., Change of horses, 20-IV-2021., 01-V-2021., 07-VI-2021., 12-VII-2021., 20-VII-2021., 26-VII-2021., 09-VIII-2021., 23-VIII-2021., 04-X-2021., 15-X-2021., 23-X-2021., 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 22-XII-2021., 14-I-2022., 27-I-2022., 31-I-2022., 13-II-2022., 25-II-2022., 14-III-2022., 25-III-2022., 13-IV-2022., 05-V-2022., 15-VII-2022., 05-VIII-2022., 19-VIII-2022., 30-VIII-2022., 07-X-2022., 17-X-2022., 24-X-2022., 07-XI-2022., 28-XI-2022., 16-XII-2022., 11-I-2023., 16-I-2023., 21-I-2023., 12-II-2023., 19-II-2023., 06-III-2023., 17-III-2023., 13-IV-2023., 03-IX-2023., 01-XII-2023., 18-XII-2023., 05-II-2024., 24-II-2024., 11-III-2024., 02-IV-2024., Dragana Vitas (Dragana), IV4, IV5pp, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Mališa Borkovski (Borko), maturski parastos, Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), in serbian