Dragana (Dragana Vitas)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

She was in VIII3 when we were in the elementary. Then 1st grade of gimnazija we weren't in the same class, but were afterwards, in IV5pp. We were even deskmates for a semester, IIRC in 1972. One of the beauties of the generation, and still looks good. Never married, maybe on account of a bad leg that she earned in a crash some time around 1985. She was driving, and was driving a lot before that, even before she got a license. But after spending three months in hospital, she just decided she won't drive anymore, and never extended the license (which she got only after taking off the cast). Walks regularly and there are no visible marks, just when walking down the stairs, if you know where to look, you may notice that she lifts the left leg somewhat funny. Can't sit more than a couple of hours without lifting her legs to about horizontal, for a few minutes, then she can go on for more hours.

Used to live on ruža until 1972, and then her dad, some upper manager in NuProm, got an apartment in Lesnina, which she later inherited. There was a supermarket under the apartment, also owned by NuProm. By one story, the space was supposed to be storage for the shop, but then got converted into an apartment - the rest of the building was populated by 1959 or 63, thereabouts, and the other story claims that this was not storage, but rather a general purpose space. If any of this is true, why does it then have the same layout as the apartment above, with identical terrace and bathroom, and no staircase from the shop?

Decades later, some guy who bought the shop and rented its space out to some new shops, sued her, because he claimed the apartment was a part of the shop, and she should move out. Zero success, but cost her ten years of nuisance, cost and nerves.

Graduated law, and worked in a bank. That's where I last saw her before leaving for the US. Then the bank went bust (during one of the neocolonial machinations) and she got a state job - a secretary in the electrotech high school. A regular on each maturski.

Retired by the end of 2014.

Mentions: october 1968., 31-XII-1968., 25-I-1969., 04-V-1969., 11-V-1969., 12-VI-1969., ...to 14, 17-VIII-1969., and most of the next week, 23-VIII-1969., 01-IX-1969., 13-X-1969., 25-X-1969., 07-XI-1969., 13-XII-1969., 31-XII-1969., 20-I-1970., 28-I-1970., february 1970., 22-III-1970., 12-IV-1970., 28-IV-1970., 10-V-1970., 17-V-1970., End of elementary, 23-V-1970., 31-V-1970., 28-VI-1970., 18-VIII-1970., 23-VIII-1970., 23-VIII-1970., 01-IX-1970., and the rest of the week, 07-IX-1970., 13-IX-1970., 19-IX-1970., and the rest of the month, october 1970., 27-X-1970., and the following few days, november 1970., until 18th, 18-XI-1970., 30-XI-1970., 01-XII-1970., until 17th, 22-XII-1970., 31-XII-1970., 05-II-1971., april 1971., 19-V-1971., 17-VIII-1971., 01-IX-1971., 21-IX-1971., 02-XI-1971., 19-XI-1971., 01-XII-1971., 08-XII-1971., Bulgaria and Switzerland, 02-I-1972., 16-I-1972., 07-II-1972., 14-II-1972., 01-III-1972., 03-IV-1972., 23-IV-1972., 01-V-1972., , 09-V-1972., 16-V-1972., 26-VI-1972., Theatre begins, 19-VIII-1972., 06-IX-1972., 11-X-1972., 27-X-1972., Sound system, 09-XI-1972., 17-XI-1972., 22-XII-1972., 02-I-1973., 06-I-1973., 20-I-1973., 21-I-1973., 29-I-1973., 08-III-1973., Two classes show, 06-V-1973., 16-VI-1973., Kragujevac, 19-VIII-1973., 29-X-1973., 29-XI-1973., december 1973., 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, 10-III-1974., 01-IV-1974., 15-V-1974., Seniors' outing, 22-V-1974., Prom night, 09-VI-1984., Ten years reunion, 19-IX-1994., december 1996., 13-XII-1997., 03-I-1999., 04-II-2009., 11-IX-2010., 08-VIII-2011., Mom's funeral, 13-VIII-2012., 15-IX-2012., 14-IX-2013., 25-III-2014., 21-IV-2014., 31-V-2014., 02-IX-2014., 29-VIII-2015., 08-III-2016., 03-IX-2016., 10-IX-2016., 19-I-2017., 01-VIII-2017., 11-VIII-2017., 02-IX-2017., Good fish, 09-IX-2017., 16-IX-2017., 12-XII-2017., 15-XII-2017., 05-III-2018., 12-III-2018., 25-V-2018., 31-VIII-2018., Bajaga i Čorba, 08-IX-2018., 15-IX-2018., 01-XI-2018., 10-XI-2018., 25-XI-2018., 09-V-2019., 25-V-2019., 29-VII-2019., 06-VIII-2019., 14-IX-2019., 21-IX-2019., 26-XII-2019., 17-I-2020., First frendz parti, 22-I-2020., 24-I-2020., 31-I-2020., 07-II-2020., 21-II-2020., 28-II-2020., 07-III-2020., 19-III-2020., 20-IV-2020., 15-V-2020., 22-V-2020., 01-VI-2020., 04-VII-2020., 13-VII-2020., 21-VII-2020., 28-VII-2020., 24-VIII-2020., Officially retired, 12-IX-2020., 21-IX-2020., 28-IX-2020., 06-X-2020., 20-X-2020., 09-XI-2020., 30-XI-2020., 14-XII-2020., 24-XII-2020., 27-XII-2020., 18-I-2021., 01-II-2021., 13-II-2021., Tworthday, 01-III-2021., 03-III-2021., 02-IV-2021., Change of horses, 20-IV-2021., 01-V-2021., 14-V-2021., 07-VI-2021., 01-VII-2021., 12-VII-2021., 20-VII-2021., 26-VII-2021., 09-VIII-2021., 18-VIII-2021., 23-VIII-2021., 01-IX-2021., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 18-IX-2021., The other annual party, 27-IX-2021., Sokobanja, 04-X-2021., 15-X-2021., 23-X-2021., 04-XI-2021., 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 03-XII-2021., 12-XII-2021., 22-XII-2021., 27-XII-2021., 14-I-2022., 27-I-2022., 31-I-2022., 13-II-2022., 14-III-2022., 25-III-2022., 13-IV-2022., 05-V-2022., 11-V-2022., 29-V-2022., 03-VI-2022., 09-VII-2022., 15-VII-2022., 05-VIII-2022., 12-VIII-2022., 19-VIII-2022., 30-VIII-2022., 10-IX-2022., 14-IX-2022., 07-X-2022., 17-X-2022., 24-X-2022., 07-XI-2022., 28-XI-2022., 08-XII-2022., 16-XII-2022., 01-I-2023., 11-I-2023., 16-I-2023., 21-I-2023., 02-II-2023., 12-II-2023., 19-II-2023., 06-III-2023., 17-III-2023., 22-III-2023., 13-IV-2023., 06-V-2023., 07-VI-2023., 24-VI-2023., 05-VII-2023., 08-VIII-2023., 21-VIII-2023., 03-IX-2023., 09-IX-2023., 14-IX-2023., 18-IX-2023., 11-X-2023., The fire, 01-XI-2023., 10-XI-2023., 19-XI-2023., 01-XII-2023., 18-XII-2023., 31-XII-2023., 25-I-2024., 05-II-2024., 24-II-2024., 11-III-2024., 24-III-2024., 02-IV-2024., Čedomir Spajin (Paja), frendz parti, gimnazija, Gradivoj Čović, IV5pp, Ksenija, Lesnina, maturski parastos, NuProm, Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), ruža, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavko Enbecin, VIII3, in serbian