
In the afternoon, talked with Nina. Raja now regularly says "baba" (granny), specially when he sees the laptop. During the talk, he managed to turn off the camera, swing the monitor sideways (it's a HP tablet with swivel gear), and then slap it shut. In the end, he uncovered her left tit and started sucking. Self service, indeed.

Lena called later, and I had just too many things open at the time - Toad, IIS manager, bejewelled2 in the browser, several Skype windows, couple of instances of fox etc etc. At some point machine becomes just too slow, several things take a forever to refresh, then two forevers, then it freezes.

Several attempts at booting show that there's some screwup in the filesystem of M:, F: and O: drives... what, these are on three physical drives and they all just develop bad sectors out of the green? And this is not the first time, either. Sorry, this motherboard may be new, but it flies. ("It flies" means "it's got to fly [out the window]", in the terse Serbian idiom).

Hey, the pic shows the morning chat was on nezavisni... Let's see what did I have open. Firefox, gPlanarity (who knows to which level did I get, over hundred for sure), the next I don't know, terminal window, some webcam applet, skype, four unknowns, workspace switcher. I.e. nezavisni runs under Ubuntu, since who knows when. And the skype had a screenshot button. This button later vanished, though you could still do it, it just took three clicks. It was still possible to tie to a hotkey, I think I used alt+y (y being bottom left, serbian keyboard layout is a quertz). Then it vanished completely.

Mentions: Bejewelled2, fox, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), nezavisni, Ryu (Raja), in serbian