Đenđi Todorov

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Her deskmate from gimnazija, for last three years. Big woman, rather loud (works as a teacher of hungarian language in the local school in Čurda and/or another nearby village), soon to retire. Her husband is a real Banatian, with glasses and huge salt-and-pepper moustache, smilingly letting her be right all the time. He's without a job for a few years now, seems to be an engineer, went to keep bees and make honey. We buy several kilos each year just to get them some business (and we still have 7kg backlog which we won't consume in time for the next batch, but then they say this year of 2014 has failed them with the acacia honey, perhaps the rest may fail too).

(... 11 word...)

Mentions: 08-III-1973., Two classes show, 23-III-1973., 02-III-1974., 01-X-2011., 05-VII-2014., 28-XII-2014., Last call for retirement, 09-XI-2020., 07-VI-2023., Čurda, gimnazija, in serbian