
In the evening (... 4 words...)... nothing, all day.

Saturday, sunny, all nice. (... 7 words...), I should come, but she doesn't have the sixth class. Well I got Sonja, I can safely skip that, I know all of what's going to be on it, she won't write me down, I can get out legally... but no, she made me stay at the class. Which I mostly slept through. And haven't seen her that evening.

Later did those prints for her cow (i.e. Đenđi).

On sunday took Morava's magish (tape recorder, nicknamed from magnetophone) to Dom and tried recording Pa šta onda, sound for the movie to be. They were enchanted with the recording. But I told them if they don't invent the tape soon, I'll do some other project.

In the afternoon "Goya" with Olivera Katarina on first. Near the end Tejka came by, played Josipa for her. At 18:00 quick grub and scram. Badwilled for last night, I didn't even shave. I draw myself at Proleter. Čarga appears first and begins to suffocate me about them playing football against "Proleter" (the city team) and lost 6:4. She's not there. The others come, Hazim comes with kapljica* and rum. It's his birthday... and in the name of the crowd I hand him, as a present, an imaginary alphabet in which his initial is in the first place. We move to disco, sip the third round already, she's not there. Luckily Gavra spots her and says "there came that fuzzy one of yours". And I found her soon. We visit the gang, she congratulates Hazim his birthday, we take a swig (of rum, the wine being gone already). (... 4 words...)

(... 36 words...) one of the older deejays, his brother and their girls appear. "How dare you enter my area? Where's your pass?" "Here she is... just watch where you stamp". In the end I even borrowed bicycle from him. Came home in 20 minutes.

(... 24 words...) During the big break I had something with Furcula, finished that and only then turned to her(... 30 words...).

Pushed that bike after school, to return it. So we walk, the rain almost stopped, one older woman ahead of us spread a big umbrella. So we start, loud enough

- I think the rain isn't falling

- I also think so

- no axes falling

- nor grannies

And really in a few seconds she collapses her umbrella. Then we started with "what an outpour!" "we'll be all wet!" but she didn't hear us. Or didn't buy it.

So I return the bike, catch the bus, and after five seconds I tell the majstor (i.e. driver) to stop, wrong bus.

(... 77 words...)

Tuesday, 27th, school in disarray. Radoje is reshuffling the schedule, so we had Marko Bozon twice. After school we went to the post office, sent the letter to Bruno. She inherited a pocket watch, her dad uses it only when he goes fishing.

Tejka messaged Bruno that she wants to fuck with him. Kidding or not, we'll never know. Most probably not, unless necessary.

We considered a plan to invent such an all-nighter birthday, which we'd spend on the flat roof on 25. maj. Carry some blankets or whatever, to keep warm and spend the night. Give she may or not, doesn't matter, as long as we're together and alone. Persuaded me to abandon the plan.

In the evening some time at the DC-99 - we got new projectors, the most basic soviet Luč, one for 8 and one for super 8, but it has a glimmer lamp, which can serve as a stroboscope to fine-set the speed. Nice and cheap. The wind was murderous.

On thursday went to Naftagas to see with their president of youth about the radnaakcija on sunday. We covered a lot of ground there. Before classes I held a brief meeting with my class presidents. Didn't catch too many of them but it was short and efficient. Then went with Bosa classroom to classroom to announce it, then rested my throat the next class. Then went with Furcula to sell "The Gram" (the four photos got published, but he put together this issue practically alone). The design and set are desperately bad, I was ashamed, had to explain to people how that happened. ŽGLJ created confusion when he said he won't do the sixth class, and Marko Bozon told us so, then he appeared and tried to do the class. I was supposed to go to Dom to explain to Pa šta onda what kind of film tape to acquire (the apartment in Belgrade, of singer's aunt, is off limits, her son has contagious jaundice)(haha). (... 50 words...)

On friday the newspaper staff was supposed to meet to bitch about the 2nd issue and ask for heads to roll, the blame squarely on Furcula. Troskok fried the čorba to Baki and Mandža, they're in a tight spot.

We didn't go out on 31st, just stood around in the city after school and set the time for tomorrow.

The mayday radnaakcija, on 1st of april.


* "Dalmatinska kapljica" - dalmatian droplet, a brand of wine.

Mentions: 25. maj, Borko Bošković (Furcula), Bosiljka Šain (Bosa), Branislav Rade (Baki), Bruno Kessler, čorba, DC-99, Dom omladine, Đenđi Todorov, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), Gradivoj Jankić (Morava), Hazim Jabučin, majstor, Marko Damjanov (Marko Bozon), radnaAkcija, Radoje Maletin, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavoljub Mandić (Mandža), Sonja Savković, The Gram, Velemir Prokin (Čarga), Višnja Blagojević (Troskok), Živorad G Ljubišić (ŽGLJ), in serbian