
From dad:

It's a public secret that the muslims in B&H had mujahedeen while the war in the triangle lasted, all the time until Dayton, and even after it, because they were supposedly waiting for another "holy" war elsewhere and then to dislocate. The muslim youth was largely annoyed with them as they started to enforce the sharia kind of behavior on the streets. A neighbor here said they never managed to capture a single one of them in KosMet. They intentionally shot to miss them in order to capture them. These guys defended until the penultimate bullet, then offed themselves. Only that kind of guys would be capable of flying a jet full of passengers into death.

From my responses

The american idea of rogue nations was embraced by the opposing side. Since everyone has the government they deserve, they deserve whatever follows from that government's actions. They stuck with that logic when bombing others (including us), well now it came back to them. But they don't have any intention of changing the logic, instead it looks they are sharpening for combat.

Bad luck with the peppers, the gutter above the little terrace gets full of leaves from the birch, but being flimsy it bends when it gets full of water, and unleashes a torrent of a dozen liters - and the peppers suffer at least half of that. Better luck with the oleander we got this summer (it cost only two minutes of nobody looking to get a sapling).

Stuff I wrote on UA today. Obviously I had too much free time all day.

For instance, I've come across a bit of news on aman, where they say the Russians have submitted some documents to a CIA senior officer (deputy director or so), including phone recordings, yesterday at Langley. Izvestiya also say that "Moscow has warned Washington of a possible attack of such proportions few weeks in advance. Russian intelligence service states that behind the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York stand: Osama bin Laden's organization, Uzbekistani Islamic Movement and the Taliban government".

Funny how we never heard back from those Uzbeks, eh?

Mentions: aman bre, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian