aman bre

(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

The website founded during the bombing of 1999, by a bunch of Belgrade dissidents, mostly students, under "AMAN-BRE" ("c'mon, bro!") slogan. The first part meant Anti-Milošević-Anti-NATO, don't remember the rest. Ah, found it: Bombing REport.

I wrote a few articles there, took a part in the mailing list, translated a few articles into English (Pera Luković was delighted, so he ordered two translations for his other articles to be published in the UK, and he still owes me 200€ for them).

The server was somewhere in Netherlands, the money came from Friedrich Ebert foundation, and I almost met some of the people who were running the site. The site went off the webs a few years later, when Sloba was down and most of the people found work.

Mentions: 29-III-1999., 02-V-1999., 21-V-1999., 25-VI-1999., 16-VII-1999., 12-VIII-1999., 23-VIII-1999., 13-IX-1999., 20-IX-1999., 26-IX-1999., 04-X-1999., 21-X-1999., 28-X-1999., 11-XI-1999., 20-XII-1999., 25-XII-1999., 02-I-2000., 14-II-2000., 06-III-2000., 15-IV-2000., 09-V-2000., 13-IX-2001., 25-X-2005., in serbian

22-VIII-2010 - 1-IX-2022