
The friggin krismas. Had a row yesterday with Nick on UA, reconciled today:

>>>>>Merry Christmas, everyone.

>>>>Make that "everyone interested" or summat. Like I said elsewhere, I prefer to be excused from that. I'm the completely wrong person to receive or give such wishes.

>>>Jesus, man, accept a simple good wish. You are a curmudgeon beyond any need to be.

>>Look, I've had enough of that over the last two decades. First I was excluded from my nation, because nowadays even a part of the politicians there agree with the late patriarch that "one can not be a Serb if not of Orthodox faith". Now I'm included into some imaginary "everybody" on the special day of the year when Christianity boasts its ownership of everything around here. I just begged to be excluded and left alone. Good wishes in general, yes, thanks, same to you all, regardless. Christmas, however, is just not mine, never was, and I don't belong to, nor mesh well with the Christmas nor any other (overtly or covertly) religious thing. Didn't want to rain on your parade, but - hey, you had to start the sentence with that dead guy again? C'mon. Are you talking to him or me? You called us both, so I wouldn't know.
Curmudgeon? Deurinated. Just let it go.

>Fair enough. Christmas is not my favorite day of the year, either, and I guess I was in a grumpy mood yesterday. Sorry.

Did I say a day? Six weeks of Christmas is more like it.

Around that krismisi stuff there was an interesting dispute the other day at Lena's school. Similarly to what occurred on 27-XII-2004., someone said „so your parents don't really love you if you aren't getting any presents for christmas... “. „What? I get things when I need them, don't have to wait for any calendar!“.

Ender got a Miatta, with removable (not foldable) roof. Looks ridiculously small and low, so parked next to the Matrix. On this picture its below the Matrix's rear view mirror (why is „retrovizor“ not a word in english?).

In the following weeks he finetuned it with some optimizer app, until he squeezed some 20% more power while lowering the consumption down to 70%. True, the app is not free, but there's a trial period of some ten days. He'd then uninstall the app, wipe off the traces of it (the writers weren't so skilled in hiding them) and install again. The computer he used was Nina's tiny Acer, same as Lena's decomp, just black.

Black hawk tobacco now costs 22$. In the smokeshop at the corner there's no Samson, for a whole year now, and the Drum is awful, not even close to what I remember from the seventies. And it costs 23$. There's some domestic rolling tobacco, also 20$ for a bag of seven ounces. But then the same company (from Durham in NC) sells a quite good tobacco as pipe tobacco - sliced a bit rougher but still rolls quite nicely - which is then taxed much less and costs only 7$ :).

(this last paragraph I stole from sGradlj.com, seeing that the last edit was on 26th)

Mentions: 27-XII-2004., decomp, Ender Aquila (Ender), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nick Greene, sGradlj.com, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian