
Drove Nina and Ender to Belgrade, to VMA. The old GPS was too bothersome; instead, she used her googling phone which was quite OK with directions. Later it turned out that I actually know the neighborhood, more or less - it's just a couple of blocks behind Stinge's building.

We started off in a bit of a rush, so she didn't have the time to make enough cigarettes - which left me with just four in my case. It turned to be just exactly the measure: I was churning the last one when they came out of the building. Just when I was begining to think of the worst* (go to a kiosk and buy). In those 90 minutes of wait, I think I walked at least two kilometers. And felt fine - another flu lite was done over the weekend and I lost all symptoms. Just slept a lot. I was a bit cold, not that it was windy, but a hill will always generate some draft, which found its way under my jacket.

The finding on Ender is "there is nothing wrong with you". They could do the surgery (it's a minor ablation of the ventricle or some such) but it's still a minor problem, not worth the hassle, and it would not solve anything, as it usually returns after a while. Instead, he should trim down and walk, walk.

In other news, Anita got her first tooth.

On 26th Ender replaced the cooler on zmajček with the new one that he brought. I actually asked only for a replacement fan, not the whole cooler, as the super duper cooler I had since 2010 had a 80mm fan and it had developed noises, so its days were numbered. With the last motherboard I had to use the factory supplied cooler which came with the Athlon (well, Rile convinced me it wasn't bad at all), which was annoyingly noisy, so I wanted to have my good old coller back. Got a new one instead.

This new cooler has two 120mm fans, so it should be a lot more silent, simply by rotating at much lower speeds. And true, it stays below 1000 rpm practically at all times, going down to 700 or 800 when machine idles. The old one was usually close to 2000.

Now for some silence... whenever the kids sleep.


* „think of the worst“ - euphemism for „becoming suicidal“

Mentions: Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), Ender Aquila (Ender), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Rista Stančulov (Rile), Stinge, zmajček, in serbian